The "HBF" directory contains the HBF File Format Standard v1.0 to v1.1 header & bitmap files. For the discussions leading to this standard please see README and files in HBF 1.1 is defined at The following list is used to relate the HBF header files under this directory to those bitmap font files under /software/fonts/gb/hbf (cclib.*24 updated with ccsym.24 shared font file, please adjust accordingly) --------------------------------------------------------------------- HBF file Font Description Bitmap Font File Author --------------------------------------------------------------------- ccfs24.hbf GB, FangSong, Jianti cclib.n24, ccsys.24 CYL cch24.hbf GB, Hei, Jianti cclib.h24, " CYL cck24.hbf GB, Kai, Jianti cclib.k24, " CYL ccs24.hbf GB, Song, Jianti cclib.j24, " CYL ccs24f.hbf GB, Ming, Fanti cclib.f24, " CYL jfs56.hbf GB, Song, Jianti ccsym.56 jfs56.b YDC jfs56.c jfs56.d jfs56.e Beijing16.hbf GB, Song, Jianti ccsym.16 Beijing16.1 FFL Beijing16.2 cclib16.hbf GB, Song, Jianti cclib.16 cclib.16a FFL cclibf16.hbf GB, Ming, Fanti cclibf.16, cclib.16a YDC gb16-hw.hbf GB, 8x16 half-width guobiao16.bin ROSS guobiao16.hbf GB, Song, Jianti guobiao16.bin ROSS gb24-hw.hbf GB, 12x24 half-width gb24-hw.bin ROSS BITMAPS ======= ccsym.24 shared symbols/general characters from cclib.*24 cclib.j24 from JBW ChTeX, Song style cclib.f24 built with 'cat flib.24 | c2cc > cclibf.24' Song fanti cclib.n24 built with 'cat blib.24 | c2cc > cclibb.24' Fangsong cclib.h24 built with 'cat dlib.24 | c2cc > cclibh.24' Hei cclib.k24 built with 'cat alib.24 | c2cc > cclibk.24' Kai cclib.16 GB 16x16 bitmap jianti from JWB ChTeX, used by zwdos cclibf.16 GB 16x16 bitmap fanti font ccsym.16 GB 16x16 bitmap, used by hz2ps/hzview Beijing16.1 GB 16x16 bitmap, used by hz2ps/hzview Beijing16.2 GB 16x16 bitmap, used by hz2ps/hzview gb24-hw.bin GB 12x24 bitmap, converted from Simon Chow's gb6345.24 guobiao16.bin GB 8x16/16x16 bitmap font, from hzbanner's guobiao16.bdf ---------------------------------- The "CC" series bitmap fonts contain 32x32, 48x48, 56x56 and 64x64 sizes and Song, FangSong, Kai and Hei style GB Jianti fonts. In addition, a heavy-weighted Song style may be added later. These fonts are converted from master "outline fonts", developed by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and China Standarization Cooporation (CSC). The master outline fonts carry the name "clib". Since these bitmap fonts are derived, "CC" was used as the font foundry. cc48-sym.fnt This is a modified version of cc48.sym.gz and is meant to replace it. Many symbols were properly placed, especially brackets of various kinds. All alphabet characters were centered in their matrices. Many symbols were cleaned up. At this first stage, the following four fonts are loaded to cc48s.hbf GB, Jianti, Song cc48.sym, cc48s.1 cc48s.2 cc48k.hbf GB, Jianti, Kai cc48.sym, cc48k.1 cc48k.2 cc48fs.hbf GB, Jianti, FangSong cc48.sym, cc48fs.1 cc48fs.2 cc48h.hbf GB, Jianti, Hei cc48.sym, cc48h.1 cc48h.2