This is the file README, part of the ttf2pk package. 0. It is assumed that you already have installed the main CJK package (for Big 5 encoding). If not, do it now. web2c (for UNIX) users ---------------------- 1. Change into the ttf2pk/src directory and compile ttf2pk by saying make unix (or make unixdebug) . You will need GNU gcc and GNU make. Then copy the ttf2pk binary file into /usr/local/bin or your preferred binaries directory. 2. Edit the InstallFont script file to define the location of the fonts directory of the web2c package (nothing to be done if you use the default directory structure) and the location of your TrueType fonts. It is necessary to rename the original NTU TT fonts because TeX does not want underlines (`_') in font names (e.g. rename ntu_kai.ttf into ntukai.ttf). Then say InstallFont xxx to install the TrueType font xxx (you should input only the name of the font without path and extension). Repeat this until all fonts are installed. 3. You must edit MakeTeXPK of the ttf2pk package and modify the ttfdir variable to indicate the location of your Chinese TrueType fonts. Make similar changes to the other variables if you don't have the default directory structure and location of the web2c package. Then copy MakeTeXPK and MakeTTFPK to the default bin directory of the web2c package (usually /usr/local/bin); these files must be executable. This MakeTeXPK file is a hard link into utils/hbf2gf/MakeTeXPK; see doc/hbf2gf.doc for details how to configure the use of hbf2gf. 4. Edit texmf.cnf, the kpathsearch configuration file (usually in /usr/local/lib/texmf/web2c) and change PKFONTS.xdvi PKFONTS by appending :$pkdir/CJK or something similar to create an own `mode' for .pk files created by ttf2pk (similar to the modes `cx', `ljfour' etc.) Example: PKFONTS.xdvi=.:$pkdir/$MAKETEX_MODE:$pkdir/gsftopk:$pkdir/ps2pk:$pkdir/CJK PKFONTS=.:$TEXMF/fonts//pk/$MAKETEX_MODE:$pkdir/CJK [If you cannot become root, copy texmf.cnf into your home directory and do the modifications there; make sure that your personal config file will be found in the search path first since web2c uses the first definition of each variable encountered.] .pk Fonts created by hbf2gf will by default go into the same directory. 5. Replace the UBg5.fd font definition file in the texinput/Bg5 directory with the UBg5.fd file in this directory. It already contains all available NTU TrueType fonts. (This .fd file was contributed by Stephen Simpson .) emTeX (for DOS or OS/2) users ----------------------------- 1. is too stupid for sophisticated batch file processing. You will need 4DOS (or 4OS2) to run the supplied batch files. Using emTeX's dvi driver will not work directly with ttf2pk because mfjob can't use the ttf2pk batch files (at the moment). Even if you don't have a PostScript printer you need dvips to create the Chinese .pk fonts automatically. 2. Change into the ttf2pk/src directory and copy ttf2pk.exe to a place in the path. You will need the file of the emTeX distribution for the runtime files (to be found on the CTAN servers). 3. Edit the instfont.btm script file to define the location of the TrueType fonts and the directories for the .pk and .tfm fonts. It is necessary to rename the original NTU TT fonts because TeX does not want underlines (`_') in font names (e.g. rename ntu_kai.ttf into ntukai.ttf). Then say instfont xxx to install the TrueType font xxx (you should input only the name of the font without path and extension). Repeat this until all fonts are installed. 4. You must edit maketexp.btm to set the ttfdir and cjkpkdir variable. Then rename maketexp.bat of the dvips package to maketexp.old or something similar and copy maketexp.btm and makettfp.btm to a place in the path. Under OS/2 dvips will call mfjob or ttf2pk itself; under DOS it will create a batch file which must be called afterwards. [maketexp.btm and makettfp.btm are hard links into utils/hbf2gf.] 5. Update the DVIDRVFONTS and TEXTFM environment variables. Update the dvips configuration file (usually in emtex\ps) for (possibly) new Chinese .pk and .tfm directories and your printer resolution. 6. Replace the UBg5.fd font definition file in the texinput/Bg5 directory with the UBg5.fd file in this directory. It already contains all available NTU TrueType fonts. (This .fd file was contributed by Stephen Simpson .) ---End of README---