From shin Sat Oct 8 11:35:56 1994 To: Subject: Re: BeTTY: toggle HZ escape characters on/off now available |> |> what i'm doing is betty -b7 -c tin |> and when i read an HZ article in chinese.*, and want to toggle, i can't |> use RETURN, otherwise i go to next message, and @V doesn't work either. |> |> Nelson |> I do the same and it seems OK. Yes, if you hit an ENTER in reading news, you may go to the next message. At this moment, if you immediately enter '@V', you will also change the HZ-esc visual mode. You should see this effect at the next screen or article when you press the SPACE bar or yet another RETURN as usual for the news session to continue. The general scenario is like this: You enter the news session in default mode, viewing the articles without seeing HZ escapes. When you follow up or post an article, the editor will be invoked. In the editor session, you can normally enter RETURN without affecting the editor actions, and the HZ escapes can be show up by entering the '@V' escape command, and send a refresh command (like ^L in vi) to the editor (so that the text are redisplayed in the new mode). Before leaving the editor, you can switch off the visual mode. After sending the follow-up, you could then continue to view those HZ articles without viewing the HZ escapes. Note that the toggle becomes effective for the succeeding lines, not the lines currently on the screen, because you are informing BeTTY, not the shell, to change mode. The actions, like a ^L in vi or the space bar / RETURN in normal news reader or BBS sessions will either cause the screen to be refreshed or show remaining text in the toggled mode. Also, the current interface is intended for a user to change modes in the editor's command mode or in the shell's command mode since viewing the HZ escapes is required (normally) only in the editor session. Well, why not use other escape sequence, like pressing an ESC (\033), to toggle the modes? This has something to do with the interaction of the code decoding mechine, command decoding machines, shell and other applications. For the present, the most primitive approach is used here, just like many Unix utilities I knew. Shin -^^- * As another note: I found betty also works OK when I compiled it in a DEC/OSF-1 compliant machine by using the compilation options for a SUN4 machine. * When you are viewing a long file with 'more' or when the news reader (like rn) invokes 'more', you can use 'b' to scroll back one page. By doing this, you effectively refresh the page in the new ESC visual mode and enable you to see the part of article, which may have been skipped due to the enter of a RETURN.