History of this Document

Version 1.0 of this document was written by Man-Chi Pong, as a result of discussion via e-mail among a group of Chinese software developers who would like to see a standard way to access hanzi (Chinese character) bitmap files. The following is a list, in alphabetic order of the surnames, of the contributors to the discussion.
CAI@neurophys.wisc.edu                  (CAI,     Yidao)
jiang@ifcss.org                         (JIANG,   Yuan)
lee@umunhum.stanford.edu                (LEE,     Fung Fung)
A7621GAC@AWIUNI11.EDVZ.UniVie.AC.AT     (LEMBERG, Werner)
87P0786@csdvax.csd.unsw.edu.au          (NI,      Hongbo)
mcpong@cs.ust.hk                        (PONG,    Man-Chi)
simpson@math.psu.edu                    (SIMPSON, Stephen G.)
tee@ecf.toronto.edu                     (TEE,     Luns)
yawei@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu            (WEI,     Ya-Gui)
eric@coeus.ucsd.edu                     (YANG,    Bo)
Ricky.Yeung@eng.sun.com                 (YEUNG,   Ricky)
FARZ%NMUMUS.bitnet@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu     (ZHANG,   Roxin)
ygz@cs.purdue.edu                       (ZHANG,   Yongguang)
All previous mail exchanges, related programs, the names in the mailing list (soft.list), etc., are ftp'able.

The following revisions culminated in version 1.0:

Draft 0.1 (1993/02/17)
Draft 0.2 (1993/02/28)
Draft 0.3 (1993/03/15)
Draft 0.4 (1993/04/30)
Draft 0.5 (1993/05/28)
Adopted as version 1.0.
The revisions leading to version 1.1 were coordinated by Nelson Chin (Chen Yilong) with contributions from:
CAI@neurophys.wisc.edu                  (CAI,     Yidao)
A7621GAC@AWIUNI11.EDVZ.UniVie.AC.AT     (LEMBERG, Werner)
rap@doc.ic.ac.uk                        (PATERSON, Ross)
The revisions culminated as version 1.1 are:
Draft 1.01 (1994/07/19)
Draft 1.02 (1994/07/20)
Draft 1.03 (1994/07/22)
Draft 1.04 (1994/07/23)
Draft 1.05 (1994/07/25)
Draft 1.06 (1994/07/27)
Draft 1.07 (1994/09/01)
Draft 1.08 (1994/09/18)
Patch Level 1 (1994/09/21)

Part of Hanzi Bitmap Font (HBF) File Format version 1.1.