Date: Sat, 9 Apr 1994 15:07:08 -0500 From: T. David Burns To: Multiple recipients of list CHINANET Subject: Re: How to print out PS file on IBM-pc and Mac Xiangning Deng explained how to print zipped, tarred postScript files on a UNIX system. Here's how you do it on the Macintosh. (By the way, our unix system is slightly different from Mr. Deng's. So if you have a problem, consult your local system guru.) Every week I download and print the postscript version of the Chinese language magazine put out by CND (HXWZ). I use NCSA telnet to open a session to in FTP mode. I log in with username anonymous, and type my email address. then I type the command "cd pub/hxwz/PS-NEW" to change directories to the one where the PS magazine is. I type the command "binary" to change to binary mode, because the files are all in zipped format. Then I type "ls" to see what files are there. There are lots of them, in many formats (none in the standard format used for mac, unfortunately). The one I use is (the number part changes every week). I type the command "get" and after that, I type "bye". That ends the FTP session. Remember where you put the file - there is a command, something like "set FTP directory" under the file menu, for telling the software where to put it. To uncompress the zipped file, I use a utility called MacCompress3.2. Launch the utility, and under the File menu choose Decompress. The program will provide a dialog to select the file to decompress. Choose (remember where you told telnet to put it?) Then I use a utility called LaserWriter Utility to print the PS file. Launch the program. Then select the "download postscript File ..." item from the utilities menu, it will present a dialog. Select Your file should start printing. You can get MaCompress and NCSA telnet from the usual freeware/shareware archives (,,, Laserwriter utility is provided free by apple. It is probably somewhere on the floppy disks that contain your system stuff, or you can get a more fancy, updated version from apple's ftp site -- Dave (T. David Burns) -- (609) 921-2499 (fax or voice message)