First of all, this is a commercial software, it is a copyright 1993-1998 Gong Wei Zhong. No soure code is included and all rights reserved. What is WZCE? WZCE(TM) stands for Wei Zhong Chinese Environment, which is a software package to support Chinese information processing on virtual screens of PC UNIX's VGA/SVGA console. It contains a Chinese Terminal Emulator for the VGA console and has versions for Linux/X86, SCO UNIX3.2.4, OpenServer 5 and UnixWare2.1.X. Who could use it? This version(with 'n' or 'N' appened to version number) is for non-commercial and personal use only. Any person could use it for that purpose free of charge. How to install? On your linux machine, login as root, then at shell prompt, cd /tmp tar xzPf "The_Path_To"/wzce-'version'n.LinuxX86.ELF.tgz For those machines with WZCE version older than 2.30 installed, user should first edit "/etc/termcap" file to remove the items for WZCE (at the end of the file), then contiune, ./wzce_config How to use? Run gce at a VGA/SGVA virtual console. This command will turn your current virtual screen into Chinese Terminal emulation mode. WZCE uses GB code for Chinese character encoding. Starting from 3.0, WZCE provides an option for user to view HZ text by running "gce -H". However, this feature is only provided AS IS, no warranty for it. To exit WZCE, just exit from the shell session. Run gce -h to get a list of options this version of gce supports. For more info, please view /usr/doc/wzce/gce.1 (not by "man gce", but "more /usr/doc/wzce/gce.1") and /usr/doc/wzce/UserGuide. These two files contain Chinese characters and thus should be viewed under the Chinese Terminal. (gce.1 and UserGuide were written for old SCO version, but the most part should also be suitable for Linux version.) Note: (1) Only two input methods other than GuoBiao and FenQu are included in the non-commercial version. (2) The author reserves the right to turn off the function of the non-commercial & personal version WZCE at any time without any notification to the user. If you don't like the policy, don't install this package! Problem reporting: THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE. After you installed the software and got it running, please fill in the following form, cut & send it to with subject "Use WZCE". Based on the support, we will make a decision as whether to continue the development of non-commercial version of WZCE. 当你安装了本软件并使之运行后, 请将下列表格填妥, 并以"Use WZCE"为题电邮至 我们将视所获支持之多寡决定今后是否继续发布免费版的为众 中文环境. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WZCE Version: OS Version: (like RedHat4.2/Kernel 2.0.29) LIBC version: (like,; check /lib) CPU(Type/Speed): RAM(MB): Video Card Chipset: (like S3-Trio64, CLGD5434, S3 Virge/DX) Video RAM Size(MB): Display Speed(lines/per second): Your email addr: How many machines with WZCE installed at your site: Where do you get WZCE software: (From friend, download from which site, etc) How do you know WZCE: What kind of applications do you run with WZCE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment: get the "Display Speed" by step 1: start up "gce" (gce) step 2: get the number of lines of "/etc/termcap" (wc /etc/termcap) step 3: get the time needed to show "/etc/termcap" (time cat /etc/termcap) step 4: divide the number of lines by the "elapsed" time in seconds. =============================================================================