PanALE/UniText v2.0 Copyright ©1998, UniDoc System LLC Welcome to PanALE/UniText 2.0. PanALE is a Worldscript II compatible system resource/fonts/extensions to enable Macintosh with MacOS 7.5+ to display/browse/read Chinese/Japanese/Korean in any application. UniText 2.0, a standalone styled text/HTML editor capable of editing Chinese, Japanese and Korean, is provided as the default editor of Pan-Asia Language Environment (PanALE). It is an easy program which fills the gap between SimpleText and a full featured word processor. For Asian language user, it fills a void for a stand alone styled text editor for double byte language with built-in fbit font and input method support. As the CJK inputting environment, PanALE/UniText is a shareWare ($20). If you like the program, please support shareware concept by paying the registration fee. Key Benefits Display Chinese, Japanese, Korean with any MacOS compatible computer with system 7.1 or above in any applications. Create, edit and print styled multilingual text in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and any western languages. Edit WYSWYG HTML with features tailored for GB/HZ Chinese and Shift-JIS/EUC-J/JIS Japanese users. Export any text file in image format using web savvy format (JPEG/GIF/PICT). Convert styled multilingual text in 2-byte languages to pdf document by non-localized Adobe Acrobat for file exchange. Currently, this only supports Elegance series CJK truetype fonts and PanALE fbit fonts. Convert language code set by importing and exporting text file to be loaded to internet. Set up an external Chinese, Korean, Japanese viewer and editor for internet browser. Quickly create, edit and print styled text documents of any size (limited by RAM). View and print TeachText or SimpleText read-only (ReadMe) documents. Embed picture, sound, QuickTime movie and QuickDraw 3D model in your file for breath-taking presentation. Drag and Drop any text, picture, sound, movie object around or to other drag and drop compatible application. Import/Export document from/to file format readable by other applications. Read document out aloud using Macintalk technology. System Requirement MacOS and compatible personal computers with 68030 or better. PowerPC is recommended for UniText. System 7.1 or later, MacOS 7.5.3 recommended. Minimum 8 MB RAM, 16 MB recommended. Minimum 8 MB free storage on hard drive. Pricing Description Price Software License $20 CD-ROM US-Canada Domestic S&H $5 CD-ROM International S&H $15 Download from internet Free How to Purchase Use the "Register" program enclosed in the PanALE/UniText package. You can download the PanALE/UniText in the download area, or you can just download the Register program for registration purpose.