Application Name: Escape Author: Wayne (Siwei) Tang e-mail: or Date: July 10, 1996 1. Introduction The Chinese name of this game is called Hua(2) Rong(2) Dao(4), or Zhou(1) Fang(4) Cao(2). The goal of this game is to move the big piece out through the gate. It's said that the best solution will take at least 83 steps. Why not try it? 2. How to install Create a directory like c:\escape, and put all those files under that directory. In order to prevent from being deleted accidentally, change the file attribute to read only. This file is for the initial layout. 3. How to play Under windows 95 or NT, double click the icon of escape.exe. I think it will work under windows 3.x also, but not try yet. You can use mouse to drag and drop. Keyboard interface is not done yet. 4. Comments If you have any suggestion or find any bugs, you are welcome to send e-mail to the author. Your feedback is really appreciated.