MicroLIGHT 1.01 BETA ===================== January, 1996 -------------- MicroLIGHT: The Bible, the Word of God, in English and Chinese. Release notes for Version 1.01 BETA ================================== MicroLIGHT is intended for Windows 3.1 or Win95 systems. Installation: Run SETUP from any drive or directory. Support ============== For the latest version of MicroLIGHT, please visit our www site at http://www.webcom.com/light We will respond to email sent to either of the following two addresses: light@webcom.com light@vol.net For further help, please see the MLHELP.HLP file either now or after installing this software. About this version ========================== This is a NO-CHARGE release of MicroLIGHT. Major enhancements are planned after an approximate 30-60 day field trial. YOUR HELP IS REQUESTED in providing us with bug reports, suggestions and ideas for enhancement. DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTIONS: (This file contains important information for commercial vendors, BBS operators, or anyone who wishes to distribute MicroLIGHT.) This version (1.0 BETA) of MicroLIGHT ('the Software') is not public domain or free software, but is distributed as 'shareware' for EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY. As the sole copyright holder of the Software, Brevda (China) Ltd reserves all rights to the program. However, the shareware version of MicroLIGHT may be freely distributed by commercial vendors, user groups, BBS operators, or individuals, subject to the following restrictions and conditions: - The Software must be distributed in unmodified form in its entirety, including all file names, program code, documentation, and any related files. No other programs or files may be included. The files may be distributed in a compressed or library format. - The Software may not be included in combination with any other software or hardware product as an enticement to purchase other products or services. - No fee or payment may be charged or accepted for the Software, other than a small disk distribution fee. - The Software cannot be rented or leased. - The Software documentation may not be distributed in any form, printed or otherwise, apart from the software. - The Software may not be described in catalogs or promotional material as 'public domain' or 'free' software. - Any advertising and/or packaging must explain the shareware concept and the obligations associated with the continued use of shareware. ======================================================================== The following are suggested program descriptions of varying lengths: One-line description: MicroLIGHT v1.0 BETA - Unique English/Chinese Bible study program. Short description: MicroLIGHT v1.0 BETA - Unique Bible study program. English and Chinese both supported. Medium description: MicroLIGHT v1.0 BETA - A unique Bible study program. Both the English and Chinese languages are supported. Free updates available from WWW site. Long description: MicroLIGHT v1.0 BETA - A unique Bible study program. Both the English and Chinese languages are supported. Free updates available from WWW site. ======================================================================== Suggested filename: All files distributed with MicroLIGHT v2.1 should be archived under the name ML10BETA.*, where "*" stands for ZIP, ARC, LZH, EXE, etc. A Note to BBS Operators: These are several suggested keywords to use when posting MicroLIGHT: MICROLIGHT BIBLE CHRISTIAN CHINESE FOREIGN LANGUAGE SHAREWARE WINDOWS (This file contains copyright and license information. For ordering information, see ORDERFRM.DOC) THE MICROLIGHT 1.0 BETA SOFTWARE LICENSE -------------------------------------------- This version of MICROLIGHT ('the Software', or 'MICROLIGHT') is not public domain or free software. COPYRIGHT AND PROPRIETARY RIGHTS -------------------------------- The MicroLIGHT software is owned by Brevda (China) Ltd or its suppliers and is protected by Hong Kong and United States copyright and international treaty provisions. The MicroLIGHT software contains valuable trade secrets proprietary to Brevda (China) Ltd. You may not disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, or create any derivative works of the software for any purpose other than making an adaptation to the software as a normal step in configuring it for your own personal use. LICENSE AND RESTRICTIONS ------------------------ Brevda (China) Ltd grants individuals a limited license to use this shareware software in perpetuity on a private, non-commercial basis. Individuals are granted a limited license to copy the shareware version of MicroLIGHT for the sole purpose of allowing others to try it, subject to the above as well as the following restrictions: - The Software must be distributed without alteration in its entirety, including all file names, program code, documentation, and any related files. No other programs or files may be included. - The Software may not be distributed in combination with any other software or hardware product as an enticement or for any other reason, without special permission from Brevda (China) Ltd. - No fee or payment may be charged or accepted for the Software - The Software documentation may not be distributed in any form, printed or otherwise, apart from the software. - You may not make general use of this shareware Software within a company, institution, or agency. Electronic bulletin board system operators (Sysops) are encouraged post the shareware version of MicroLIGHT on their BBS for downloading by their users, but only if the above conditions are met. No special fee may be charged to access the MicroLIGHT shareware files. Non-profit User Groups may distribute the shareware version of MicroLIGHT if the above conditions are met. These User Groups may charge a nominal fee to cover the cost of the disk and copying of the software. Special restrictions may apply to Disk Vendors and Retailers. For further details, see VENDOR.DOC. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER ------------------- BREVDA (CHINA) LTD MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THIS SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION. IN NO EVENT SHALL BREVDA (CHINA) LTD BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF DATA OR BUSINESS INFORMATION, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR OTHER FINANCIAL LOSS ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PROGRAM, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS --------------------------------- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. government is subject to restrictions as set forth in the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software, para (c)(1)(ii) DFARS 242.227-7013 (10/88) and FAR 42.227-19 (6/87). The contractor is Brevda (China) Ltd, PO Box 626, Fanling Post Office, Fanling, N.T., Hong Kong TRADEMARKS ---------- MicroLIGHT is a trademark of Brevda (China) Ltd. Other product names found throughout the documentation accompanying this Software are trademarks of various companies.