[ Before compiling, please modify the font location contained in the proper line with ZITAPE. Be sure to use chinese.16.new instead of chinese.16 for correct results of displaying big5 files. chinese.16.new can be FTP'ed from: ifcss.org:/software/fonts readnews.c comes from HKU package. It was seperated out for the purpose of archiving. The original document is attached at the end. xiaofei for ftp-admin@ifcss.org ] -- readnwes(1) USER COMMANDS readnwes(1) NAME readnews - Display a Chinese file any text terminal. Char- acters are shown in ascii picture mode. news2ps - Convert a Chinese file to a postscript file for printing. readnews [-wN] filename news2ps filename DESCRIPTION Since 1989, the Society of HKU Postgraduate on Chinese has been posting news articles about Hong Kong and China to major computer networks under the title "China & HK News". Starting July 31, 1990, a new service will be added: selected articles about Hong Kong and China will be posted in the Chinese language. It will be a bi-weekly release. The articles will be encoded in BIG5 code, a popular encod- ing method for the Chinese characters. readnews is a free software designed to display these articles in any text win- dow. Alternatively, you can use news2ps to conver the arti- cles into postscript files and print them out on a Postscript printer. FILES /usr/local/bin/readnews, news2ps - the executable images. /usr/local/lib/chinese.16 - the Chinese character font file. AUTHOR The Society of HKU Postgraduate on Chinese Affairs K. W. Chan (kwchan@csd.hku.hk). W. Wilson Ho (how@ivy.ucdavis.edu) Sun Release 4.1 Last change: 25 July 1990 1