[BeTTY-CCF-B5Encode ** Rev. 1.53 ** 1994/10] ??? FAQ/LAQ plus Software Announcement ??? 1. I am a native Big5 user. Can I read the Big5 net services in tw.* and HZ services of chinese.* at the same time under Big5 (ETen, KC, C-Windows, OS/2-T, cxterm) environment without using two viewers and changing different sessions? 2. I am a native ZWDOS (or cxterm/GB) user. Can I use ZWDOS to read Big5 chinese net services in Taiwan without installing a Big5 environment? 3. I did not have a cxterm installed, I don't know how to install it, but I have a chinese AIXterm (Sunview), but it only supports EUC/CNS codes (Zzz..., I am neither a Big5 user nor a GB/HZ user, I am not ...). Can I receive the Big5 and HZ net services at the same time with something helpful? 4. Is there any way to hide those HZ escape characters when viewing the articles in a.c.t or chinese.*? 5. When I am viewing HZ news and ASCII news, the words after the `~' characters in the ASCII news are sometime misinterpreted as chinese characters. How can I avoid this without exiting my viewer. 6. Can I do on-line code conversions, enable/disable the conversion dynamically when I don't want the package to convert my native chinese code? 7. Can I ... chinese ... various chinese environment ... terminals ... codes ... windows ... ? 8. @#$%%$@# ... "Yes, probably you can with the help of BeTTY-1.53 ... -^^-" [BeTTY-CCF-B5Encode ** Rev. 1.53 ** 1994/10] This package contains an integrated package for on-line code conversion and off-line code conversion for chinese codes widely used in Taiwan and Mainland. It provides encoding of GB/Big5 as 7-bit HZ/B5E3 so that you can send 7-bit chinese characters when you cannot send 8-bit code directly. It provides cross-translation between major Taiwanese codes (Big5, IBM5550, EUC/CNS, CNS internal code, CNS exchange code, TCA, Telegram, IBM Host code) and the GB standard of mainland (including HZ for GB and B5E3 for Big5.) (Of course, you could, say, use it as a pure GB to HZ converter, g2b, b2g, g2h filters.) BeTTY let your native chinese terminal become aware of all the above codes by hiding the code conversion process between your standard input and the Unix shell. When you use BeTTY on HZ/B5E3 files, you can display or suppress (*default) the HZ escape characters so that you only see the text part when you want to read them, and show up the HZ escape characters when you want to edit a file. The conversion between your terminal and the UNIX shell can also be disabled/enabled in the two directions without exiting BeTTY. Therefore, you can edit a file in your native code just like there is no BeTTY running; you can suppress output conversion so that some of the `~' in an ASCII or Big5 file will not be misinterpreted as HZ/B5E3 encoded chinese characters. CCF (Chinese Code Conversion Filters) provides the corresponding code conversion functions of BeTTY for all the above code pairs. B5ENCODE is a compact package which allows you to cross encode 8-bit Big5/GB into B5E3/HZ 7-bit ASCII characters so that the high bits of the chinese characters are not stripped when transmitting across some non-8-bit clean communication paths. (CCF is helpful for such encoding for other Taiwanese codes.) Since B5E3 is an extension to the HZ encoding, its decoder can also decode a mixed ASCII/HZ/B5E3 documents or net services. With this capability, BeTTY enable you to access chinese net services, simplified or traditional, easily. In particular, you can read and process Big5+HZ+B5E3 news or documents at the same time without installing the GB/HZ environment for a Big5 (or other Taiwanese code) user. The same is true for reading Big5+HZ+B5E3 without installing the Big5 environment for a GB/HZ user. Of course, your party need a similar package for decoding the HZ/B5E3 mails or files to understand them and convert them back to Big5/GB or other codes if you try to send chinese characters in this way. Since many codes are overlapped, they are packed to save space (mostly for the conversion tables). This package is available at: hermes.ee.nthu.edu.tw[]: /shin/betty/BeTTY-ChnCodeFilters-1.53.tar.Z and should be available in: ifcss.org[]: /software/unix/convert/BeTTY-ChnCodeFilters-1.53.tar.gz soon. To install the programs, uncompress the TAR files and change directory to b5encode-1.53, ccf-1.53 or betty-1.53, read the README.1st instructions on how to 'make' it. Read the manual pages (*.man) in the doc/ subdirectory for more details (or other information therein). Any bug reports or successful trial information in other platforms are appreciated. ** shin@hermes.ee.nthu.edu.tw ** Jing-Shin Chang -^^-