README for BeTTY-ws_2fl.p1 Oct. 1995 ====================================================== NAME BeTTY-ws_2fl.p1 -- a patch for BeTTY-1.534. After applying this patch, following features will be added to BeTTY. FEATURES: 1. The size parameters for the slave tty BeTTY using will be automatically set up before the new SHELL starts. 2. When a SIGWINCH signal is delivered(as soon as window size changed), BeTTY will adjust the tty size in agree with the new value of the window it running in. 3. ESC sequence is preferentially used to inquire the actual window size for vt100(xterm, cxterm) emulators. In this case, BeTTY can even determine the window size of the emulator running on a remote machine (but the SIGWINCH has no chance to be delivered to BeTTY). 4. A second Chinese code converting filter can be added from command line. 5. The second filter can also be switched on/off dynamically as the first one. This makes possible to read/write three different Chinese codes on one terminal, useful for read/post USENET NEWS. 6. Default status(on/off) of the first filters can be given at compiling time. For the second one, the defaults are off. INSTALLATION: 1. Get BeTTY-1.534.tar.gz and BeTTY-ws_2fl.p1.tar.gz from ftp sites. 2. uncompress and untar: %> zcat BeTTY-1.534.tar.gz | tar xlvpf - %> zcat BeTTY-ws_2fl.p1.tar.gz | tar xlvpf - 3. apply the patch: %> patch -p < ../BeTTY-ws_2fl.p1 4. change into the working directory: %> cd betty-1.53 5. make the program: make ( or make sun5, make hpux ...) USAGE: betty -ST [ -ST -c shell_command command_arguments] Here the S and T are 1-char hanzi code type(g, h, b ... type betty for usage). The hanzi code will be converted(when the function switched on): from S ==> T for input from keyboard,terminal emulator, screen paste etc.; and S <== T for the output to terminal(including input echo). The commands for dynamical toggle input, output conversion on/off and if the "~{ ~}" for HZ code striped on display are: @I, @O and @V for the first filter, @C, @R and @J for the second filter. EXAMPLES: 1. use a gb terminal to read/write GB, HZ and BIG5 betty -gh -gb 2. use a HZ terminal(ZWDOS) to read/write RB, HZ and BIG5 betty -hg -gb 3. use a BIG5 terminal to read/write GB, HZ and BIG5 betty -bh -bg SEE ALSO betty README and man page for more details. NOTES: This program has only been tested on following platforms: SunOS 5.4, SunOS 4.1.3, IRIX 5.3, HP-UX 9.0. If the compilation fails in your machine, try to find out which your OS close to (SYSV, SVR4, BSD...) and set the option respectively in Makefile. Suggestions for making on other platforms and report of bugs in this patch are welcome, it could be sent by email to: COPYRIGHTS AND WARNINGS: Here is the CopyRights for BeTTY, it applied for the patch as well. 1. The codes here can be freely distributed, modified so long as the original copyright statements of the contributors are obeyed and the codes are not used for commercial purposes, and the efforts of the contributors are acknowledged. 2. The codes are provided as-is. Absolutely no warranty. No one of the contributors are liable for any damage to your computer system, software or hardware.