ktty: a kanji terminal translator (patch on the hztty package) Version 1.3 Apr 1, 1996 By Seke Wei seke@sys.es.osaka-u.ac.jp Usage: ktty -Ofilter[:filter] define filters by yourself btty use default filter from BIG5 to JIS gtty use default filter from GB to JIS htty use default filter from HZ to JIS etty use default filter from EJIS to JIS Purpose: It translates codes on-line between any two of Big5/GB/HZ/EJIS/SJIS/JIS codes. With it you can read a kanji code which is not supported by your end terminal. If you use the text mode WWW browers like 'lynx', you can read news of various codes on a single kanji terminal. Requirements: (1) A unix machine which supports the pty terminal (2) An end terminal which can display kanji characters. The end terminal can be a 'kterm' on Unix, or a 'telnetj' on Machintosh. Features: (1) Currently filters among the following 6 common codes are supported Big5, GB, HZ, EUC-JIS, Shift-JIS and JIS (2) Currently the following 13 filters are supported: big2ejis translate a BIG5 code into a EJIS code ejis2big translate a EJIS code into a BIG5 code gb2ejis translate a GB code into a EJIS code ejis2gb translate a EJIS code into a GB code gb2hz translate a GB code into a HZ code hz2gb translate a HZ code into a GB code gb2big translate a GB code into a BIG5 code big2gb translate a BIG5 code into a GB code jis2ejis translate a JIS code into a EJIS code ejis2jis translate a EJIS code into a JIS code ejis2sjis translate a EJIS code into a SJIS code sjis2ejis translate a SJIS code into a EJIS code jp2ejis special mode to translate a printable jis to ejis (3) Filters can be concatenated to translate codes undirectly translatable by the above 13 filters. For example, hz2gb:gb2ejis translates a HZ code into a EJIS code (4) Unmappable kanji's are shown with UZPJ system. For info on UZPJ, please check out the following URL: gopher:// Installation: (1) please fetch and make the cn2jp library from and copy the cn2jp library to the ktty directory by cp ${cn2jp}/libcn2jp.a ${ktty}/libcn2jp.a (2) fetch the ktty package from (3) extract 'ktty1.3.tar.gz.uue' at ${ktty} by %uudecode ktty1.3.tar.gz.uue %gunzip ktty1.3.tar.gz %tar xvf ktty1.3.tar (4) do make at ${ktty} and obtain the filter program ${ktty}/ktty (5) Make sure that you have the following 5 files in your ~/bin.(#) ktty the main filter program btty script to translate Big5 to Jis gtty script to translate GB to Jis htty script to translate HZ to Jis etty script to translate EUCJis to Jis Readme this file you are reading (#) After putting them in ~/bin, don't forget to turn their execution mode on by 'chmod a+x *tty' (6) If your terminal supports code X instead of Jis, please modify the above '?tty' scripts by appropriate concatenation of the 13 filters mentioned above so that the final code in the filter will be code X. (7) Run the script, and type a sample file to test your defined filters. For example, you can test the 'gtty' script for GB by %gtty #enable GB to Jis filter %cat test.gb #type a GB file to check the filter Sample files for various codes (test.{gb,b5,..}) can be obtained from gopher:// (8) If the script works, you can read Big5/GB news by running 'btty'/'gtty' and then access the news site by using 'lynx'. For example, %btty #enable Big5 to Jis filter %lynx #run the text mode www browser to read Big5 To exit, or switch to another code, you have to exit from the previous script first, and then use another script for the new code. For example, %exit #terminate the previous filter %gtty #enable a new filter %lynx #re-run the www browser to read GB News sites for various codes can be accessed via "gopher://" OPTIONS -I specifies the input filters. If there are more than one filters specified, the filter names are separated by `:'. -O specifies the output filters. If there are more than one filters specified, the filter names should be seperated by `:'. Reference: (1) Code definition: Info about Big5, Gb, Ejis, Jis, Hz and B5en codes "http://ifcss.org:8001/www/pub/software/info/cjk-codes/" "ftp://ifcss.org/software/unix/convert/BeTTY-ChnCodeFilters-1.50.tar.gz" (2) Code translation table: GB->EJIS, GB->PY, BIG5->EJIS, and BIG5->PY "ftp://ftp.center.osaka-u.ac.jp/mule/contrib/gb2jis.tar.gz" "ftp://ftp.center.osaka-u.ac.jp/mule/contrib/sinocode-0.11.tar.gz" "ftp://crl.nmsu.edu/pub/unicode.org/MappingTables/cjkxref.fix" "ftp://cnd.org/pub/ifcss.org/software/x-win/cxterm/dict/big5/PY-CSIE.tit" (3) UZPJ system: "ftp://ftp.center.osaka-u.ac.jp//mule/contrib/gb2jis.tar.gz" (4) filter design: "ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/hztty-2.0.tar.gz" "ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/convert/BeTTY-1.534.tar.gz" (5) text mode WWW browser: "ftp://ftp.hipecs.hokudai.ac.jp/pub/network/WWW/lynx/lynx-2.3jp093.tar.gz" (6) URL for sites distributing Big5/GB/EJis news "gopher://" URL for the newest version of ktty: "gopher://" Bug Report: (1) For problems or suggestion, please email to seke@sys.es.osaka-u.ac.jp. Thank you for your feedback.