+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GBscript | | Convert GB/ASCII mixed text to Postscript. | | | | Version : 1.10 (19/04/1993) | | Author : Yan Zhou ~{V\lM~} | | Email : yan@nimbus.anu.edu.au | | | | All Rights Reserved. | | Absolutely No Warranty. | | Free For Non-commercial Purpose Only. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is the version 1.10 release of GBscript, with some new features: o landscape/portrait print mode o multiple columns per page o support for 16x16 Chinese bitmap font Also some defaults changed: o ASCII : GB width ratio, changed from 0.618 to 0.5 so that and look better in some cases. o -a option eliminated, instead use -w option to specify column width, always default to 40 (that is 80 ASCII characters per column line). o Margins, use a larger print area, 0.75 inch gap from each paper edge. ( '+' for added/updated words and sentences in this README file. ) Any kind of feedbacks, including bug reports, suggestions and complaints, will be greatly appreciated and should be directed to yan@nimbus.anu.edu.au ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Features: 1. Convert Chinese/English mixed text to Postscript. 2. Great print speed (well designed Postscript output). Around 4 pages (default font size) per minute on a LaserWriter NTX. 3. Conform with Adobe Document Structuring Conventions Specification Version 2.1. Single page output can be handled as an Encapsulated Postscript File (EPSF). 4. Fine line adjustment with forbidden rules handling. 5. Small output size. Around 400K for each HXWZ issue. +6. Landscape and Portrail print mode. +7. Multiple columns per page. +8. Support for 16x16 Chinese bitmap font. * Limitations: 1. GB encoding only. Need other filters to deal with zW/HZ or Big5 encoded Chinese text. (But Unix encourages users to use a set of small tools (filters) to achieve there goals.) 2. No document control language support. (To be added in future release, if possible.) +(But is there anyone really need to handle arbitrary typefaces, char sizes and document structures in a Chinese text? Mail me if you think you need it. :-) * System Requirements: 1. Unix platform +(But why not DOS? :-) +2. Chinese bitmap fonts, which are: o without 'zone gap', and o 16x16 or 24x24 sized Some usable fonts are: Name Description File Size [24x24] cclib.24 (Simplified SONG) 588,816 cclibf.24 (Traditional SONG) 588,816 cclibb.24 (Simplified FANGSONG) 588,816 cclibk.24 (Simplified KAI) 588,816 cclibh.24 (Simplified HEI) 588,816 [16x16] ncclib.16 (Simplified) NOTE: o cclib.j24, cclib.f24, cclib.k24, cclib.h24 and cclib.n24 are a different set of font files (although derived from same origins), they cannot be used with GBscript. o some fonts do not include those zones for special symbols (in order to save some disk space), thus they are not continuous in zone and there exist 'zone gaps', GBscript currently cannot handle this type of fonts. Location: Chinese bitmap fonts can be found in /ftp@ifcss.org:/software/fonts/ * Installation: 1. Unpack the gbscript package with: cd zcat gbscript-1.10.tar.Z | tar xvof - 2. Make make +( change CC compiler if you do not have gcc, add -DNO_FUNCPROTO to CFLAGS in Makefile if your CC compiler complains about function prototype (on HP-UX?) ). 3. Install binary executable file cp gbscript 4. Install PS prologue file cp gbscript.pro +5. Install Chinese bitmap font. Copy cclib.24 (or whichever you prefer) into . You can install as many fonts as you like, but for each GBscript execution, only one font can be used. You can only change font for a whole document. 6. Put the following into your ~/.cshrc or ~/.login setenv GBSCRIPT "-d " * Usage: GBscript version 1.10 (18/04/1993) by Yan Zhou ~{V\lM~} Usage: [setenv GBSCRIPT options;] gbscript [options] [ []] Options: (72 points = 1 inch) (DEFAULT VALUE) -h This message -b 16 | 24 Bitmap font size (24x24) -c Set Chinese font name (cclib.24) -d Set home directory (.) -m Set margins (54.0 54.0 558.0 738.0) -m default Use default margins -n Set multiple columns per one page (1) -o landscape|portrait Print orientation (Portrait) -p yes|no Print page number (Yes) -r Ascii : Chinese Character (0.5) -s Set character size (12.0) -s default Use default character size -t Set tab width = n Chinese Character (2) -w Set column width (41) Options can be specified both in GBSCRIPT environment variable and on command line. + It is a good idea to setenv GBSCRIPT in your ~/.cshrc or ~/.login, so that you can have the defaults that you prefer. * Sample installation procedure > cd ~/Work > zcat gbscript-1.10.tar.Z | tar xvof - > cd gbscript-1.10 > make > cp gbscript ~/bin > mkdir ~/lib/gbscript > cp gbscript.pro ~/lib/gbscript > cd ~/lib/gbscript > ftp ifcss.org ftp> cd software/fonts ftp> bin ftp> get cclib.24 ftp> get cclibf.24 ftp> bye * Sample usages > setenv GBSCRIPT "-d $HOME/lib/gbscript" GBscript home. > setenv GBSCRIPT "-d $HOME/lib/gbscript -b 16 -c ncclib.16" Use a 16x16 bitmap font. +> gbscript cm9303a.gb cm9303a.ps Default printing +> zcat zk9302b?.gb.Z | gbscript -c cclibf.24 -s 10.5 | lpr Traditional font, 10.5 points character size, 40 Chinese character per line, and print. +> gbscript -o landscape -n 2 -b 16 -c ncclib.16 cm9304b.gb | lpr Landscape, 2 columns, 16x16 bitmap font. (save space, time and paper, highly recommended) * Pipeline with other utilities: 1. You can use the HZ package as a filter for GBscript, if you are printing zW/HZ or Big5 encoded Chinese text. HZ-2.0 can be found in /ifcss.org:/software/unix/convert, author Fung F. Lee at lee@umunhum.stanford.edu. 2. You can use 'psselect' to select/re-order Postscript pages. 3. You can use 'multi' to have n-up (that is n logical pages on one physical paper). SAVE FORREST! +( 'multi' is the best program (in my personal opinion) for n-up printing. It can handle nearly all the PostScript output without failure. You can find it in some Japan ftp site, I think. ) * Author: Yan Zhou ~{V\lM~} Computer Sciences Laboratory, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, The Australia National University. * Acknowledgement: Some ideas on efficient fonts organization to reduce font switches during PostScript interpretation from Andrew Lui (alui@nimbus.anu.edu.au) and Pin Chen (pin@nimbus.anu.edu.au) * End *