*********************************************************************** * Release of cWnn 4.10 (A Chinese Input System on Unix Workstations) * *********************************************************************** cWnn is an integrated Chinese Input system running on Unix Workstations. It supports a wide range of input methods, satisfying the needs of the Chinese users from all over the world, including both P.R.China and Taiwan. cWnn is capable of carrying out Hanzi conversion from an arbitrary Pinyin or Zhuyin sequence, hence improving the speed of Pinyin/Zhuyin input. cWnn is developed on Omron LUNA workstation and has been ported to other Unix workstations. System Architecture and Configurations ======================================= cWnn adopts the Client-Server Model of Unix operating system. The server will perform the service requests from all the clients, which may reside in the same or different machines. In this way, resources are shared and multi-user environment is achieved. cWnn is capable of displaying Chinese characters based on GB and CNS internal codes. Current machines/OS that support cWnn are: Hardware Operating System Window system -------------- ---------------- ------------- LUNA (Omron) UniOS-U, UniOS-B X, GMW LUNA II (Omron) UniOS-U, Mach X, GMW LUNA 88K (Omron) Mach X Sun-3 SunOS 4.1 SunView, X Sun-4 SunOS 4.1 SunView, X SPARCstation SunOS 4.1 SunView, X Input Methods and Features of cWnn =================================== The current input methods available from cWnn are the commonly used phonetic input methods such as Pinyin (Quanpin, Erpin, Sanpin), and Zhuyin. The encoded input methods include Wubi and Qianma. However, cWnn enables any encoded input methods to be installed easily. Other input methods include Guobiao, Quwei, Neima, Banjiao and Quanjiao input. The features of cWnn are: (1) Multi-phrase Hanzi Conversion - System is able to convert an arbitrary length of Pinyin/Zhuyin to the expected Hanzi at one time. (2) Standardization of Pinyin and Zhuyin - User is able to input both Pinyin and Zhuyin, while the system will still be able to carry out the conversion. (3) Ideal Input Environment - There will be a check on all user input, and warning is provided during illegal input. - Auto-correction may be performed on certain Pinyin/Zhuyin. - Automatic segmentation of input. - Auto-mapping of input performed by the preprocessor. - Error tolerance for 4 tones, which may be omitted or input wrongly. - Error tolerance for Pinyin. User can have his individual definitions for Pinyin which he often gets confused. (4) Easy Installation of Any Input Method (5) Environment Independent - Multi-environment / multi-user - Each user has his individual environment - Input environment can be defined and modified. (6) Good and Flexible Environment Setup - Setup of dictionary User is able to have his own dictionary setup according to his needs. - User interface User is able to setup his own input environment, including keyboard definition and conversion key setup. - Setup of input methods Input methods can be easily selected. - Conversion parameters User is able to change the parameter values used for conversion. - Addition / modification / deletion of grammar files is possible (Note: After modification, the definitions in the dictionary and grammar file should be consistent) (7) Resource Sharing - Sharing of dictionaries, usage frequency and grammar files. - Sharing of conversion service. (8) Library functions available for implementation of other Chinese applications. Other Functions =============== (1) Candidates Selection - User is able to select other candidates having the same pronunciation. (2) Re-Conversion - Re-input and re-conversion of input is possible after the initial conversion. (3) Self Adaptation - Usage frequency is updated whenever a word is selected. (4) Addition / Deletion of Dictionary Registration / Search / Deletion of Words Where and How to Access cWnn Source =================================== cWnn has been released together with X11R5 by X-consortium, MIT. A multi-language input client called "Xwnmo", which makes use of various language servers including cserver, is also available from X-consortium. cWnn's source program is now available from the X-consortium. However, an alternative source is from the FTP site in Japan. FTP address in Japan: ftp.wg.omron.co.jp IP address: Procedure to obtain cWnn source from FTP site: % ftp ftp.wg.omron.co.jp user(ftp): ftp passwd: > cd ~/pub/X11R5 You may obtain all cWnn related information from the above directory. Online manual and man files are available. These include cWnn usage and installation, and they are found under the directory cWnn/manual.en. cWnn is now freely distributed, and we welcome any questions regarding cWnn to be sent to us if problems are encountered. Please direct your questions to: cwnn@nff.ncl.omron.co.jp cwnn@omcp.omron.co.jp CWNN DEVELOPMENT TEAM