This is another GGI boot-logo patch (there first one was peng_logo_patch) which turns the normal GGI boot logo into a smaller one that sits in the top-right-hand corner of the screen (this one should look rather familiar :). It requires a VGA-compatible card, and it's only been tested on a 2.0.27 kernel. The patch should be applied to the i386/display.c file. To try it out, you would type something like this: (depending upon your system) cd /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/i386 patch < buzz_logo_patch and then recompile the kernel and reboot. To restore the normal GGI boot logo, you would type: cd /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/i386 mv display.c.orig display.c It should work in modes greater than 80x25, but you may need to change the value of DEF_LINES_PER_CHAR to the number of lines used for each character. For example, in an 80x50 mode the characters are probably 8 lines high, so just change DEF_LINES_PER_CHAR from 16 to 8 and that should fix it. (This is untested though). Have fun, ___________________________________________ ____ \ / Andrew Apted. \/