allows a user to interactively: convert Latitude and Longitude values to projection coordinate Northings and Eastings.
It allows a user to do all of the above: reading from a file, writing to the screen, or reading from the keyboard, writing to a file, or reading from a file, writing to a file,
Note: The program does not transform GRASS files, it is designed to determine coordinate values on an individual position.
Several map projections are currently supported:
stp - State Plane,Each of the above projections (with the exception of State Plane) can be computed with the following spheroids:
for all CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, and U.S. Minor Outlying Islands airy - Airy-F aea - Albers Egual Area-FI apian - Apian Globular I-F aeqd - Azimuthal equidistant-FI aitoff - Aitoff-F august - August Epicycloidal-F bacon - Bacon Globular-F bipc - Bipolar Conic-FI boggs - Boggs Eumorphic-F bonne - Bonne-FI cass - Cassini-FI cc - Central Cylindrical-FI cea - Cylindrical Equal Area-FI collg - Collignon-FI dense - Denoyer Semi-Elliptical-F eck1 - Eckert I-FI eck2 - Eckert II-FI eck3 - Eckert III-FI eck4 - Eckert IV-FI eck5 - Eckert V-FI eck6 - Eckert VI-FI eisen - Eisenlohr-F eqc - Equidistant Cylindrical-FI eqdc - Equidistant Conic-FI fourn - Fournier Globular-F gall - Gall (Stereographic)-FI goode - Goode Homolosine-F gnom - Gnomonic-FI hammer - Hammer (Elliptical)-F hataea - Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area-FI lagrng - Lagrange-F laea - Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area-FI leac - Lambert Equal Area Conic-FI lcc - Lambert Conformal Conic-FI loxim - Loximuthal-FI mbtfpp - McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic-FI mbtfps - McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal-FI mbtfpq - McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic-FI merc - Mercator-FI mill - Miller-FI moll - Mollweides-FI nicol - Nicolosi Globular-F nsper - General Vertical Persepective-FI ocea - Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area-FI omerc - Oblique Mercator-FI ortel - Ortelius-F ortho - Orthographic-FI parab - Caster Parabolic-FI pconic - Perspective Conic-F poly - Polyconic (American)-FI putp2 - Putnins P2'-FI putp5 - Putnins P5-FI quau - Quartic Authalic-FI rpoly - Rectangular Polyconic-F robin - Robinson-FI sinu - Sinusoidal-FI stere - Stereographic-FI tcc - Transverse Central Cylindrical-FI tcea - Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area-FI tmerc - Transverse Mercator-FI tpers - Tilted perspective-FI ups - Universal Polar Stereographic-FI utm - Universal Transverse Mercator-FI vandg - Van der Grinten-FI vandg2 - Van der Grinten II-F vandg3 - Van der Grinten III-F vandg4 - Van der Grinten IV-F wag7 - Wagner VII-F wink1 - Winkel I-FI wintri - Winkel Tripel-F
MERIT - MERIT 1983 GRS80 - GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980) IAU76 - IAU 1976 airy - Airy 1830 aust_ntl - Australian Natl, S. Amer., IAU 64 GRS67 - GRS 67(IUGG 1967) bessel - Bessel 1841 clrk66 - Clarke 1866 clrk80 - Clarke 1880 mod. everest - Everest 1830 hough - Hough intl - International 1909 (Hayford) krass - Krassovsky, 1942 mercury - Mercury 1960 mod_airy - Modified Airy mod_ever - Modified Everest mod_merc - Modified Merc 1968 new_intl - New International 1967 SEasia - Southeast Asia walbeck - Walbeck WGS66 - WGS 66 WGS72 - WGS 72 sphere - Sphere of 6370997 m
For example:
+40 36 31.4563 -87 2 7.8193 16 40n 36 31.4563 87w 2 7.8193 16
When reading from a file of PROJECTION COORDINATES data the
file will contain three (3) columns of information:
For example:
500000.00 4496918.64 16 <- utm -424489.11 1908736.13 0 <- lambert
Note: NO column headings are required, just the numbers.
Last changed: $Date: 2002/01/25 05:45:33 $