Dr. Priyatosh Banerjee (Indian and Central Asian Scholar)

Dr. Priyatosh Banerjee (An Exponent on Indian and Central Asian Art)



Publication - Articles & Books

Seal - From a Photograph

This is a set of three copper plates, each measuring 9"X6". They are the property of the Assam Sate Museum, Guahati. They were found by one Budhu Sut while tilling the ground at Khonamukh, a village in Mauza Barbhagiya in the Nowgong town. According to the information supplied to me by the Government Epigraphist for India, the inscription had been kept for some time at the Sivathan of the village, but was brought afterwards to Mr. L.M. Som, then Deputy Commissioner of Nowgong. And, ultimately, it was secured for the Assam State Museum.

The inscription was first published with an English translation by Mr. P. D. Chaudhury in the Journal of the Assam Research Society, Vol. VIII, No.4, pp.113 ff. The late Dr. N. K. Bhattasali, aided by Dr. R. G. Basak, Suggested some corrections in respect of lines 35,36,37 and 40 of the inscription in the same journal, Vol. XI, pp.1-3. A fresh and critical edition is now attempted from a nice set of inked impressions kindly supplied to me by the Government Epigraphist for India.

The plates are held together by a ring passing through a circular holes in them. Around the hole in each plate has been left some blank space, about 1 ½" X 1 ½" (the width of three lines of writing ) in plate 1 and about 1"X1" (the width of two lines of writing ) in plates 2 and 3. Joined to the ring is the king’s seal which is heart-shaped. The seal is divided into two compartments ‘by a ledge running across it’. The upper portion of it shows the figure of an elephant to from while the lower portion is occupied by the legend consisting of the king’s name and titles engraved in letters slightly larger in size than those employed in the grant. The seam measures 5"X3 ½" .

The first and third plates are inscribed only on their inner side. The second plate contains writing on both the sides. The inscription consists of 58 lines of writing. The first inscribed side contains 16 lines, the second and third 15 lines each, and the fourth only 12 lines. The first side of the inscription is broken at places with the result that some letters have completely disappeared. Some inscribed portions of the fourth side (i.e. the third plate) also are either wholly or partially effaced.

The Language of the inscription is Sanskrit. The formal part of the grant in lines 26-35 and 44-58 describing the locality and its boundaries, etc., is in prose. The remaining portion giving the genealogy of the donor is in verse.

The characters of the inscription belong to a variety of the alphabet used in the eastern part of India in the 12th century A.D. The letter r retains mostly its old form though its more developed triangular shape is also in evidence here and there (cf. Vir° in line 25, visaradah in line 36, Hareh in line 41, etc.). Another peculiarity is the use of three varieties of the sign of the initial i. The first of these consists of two dots or ringlets with a complicated hook below. The second one is the composed of two similar dots or ringlets with a circumflex above and hook below. The third variety is similar to the second except that, instead of a regular hook, it has got a slanting stroke below. Anusvara is formed sometimes by a dot or ringlet alone (cf. Bhinnam and Bharatiyam in lines 2 and 17 respectively) but some tiems as in modern Bengali by a dot with a slanting line below it (cf. Bhimam in line 6, param in line 22 etc.) B and v are denoted thoughout by the same sign.

As regard orthography, the following points call for remarks. N has been need in the place of anusvara in nistrinsa in line 22 and mimansa in line 42. Visarga before the deental sibilant changes into that letter in bhus=sa in lines 10-11. Final m is often wrongly subsituted by anusvara. Consonants following r are sometimes doubled.

The execution of the inscription is unsatisfactory. Letters or syllables are often omitted (ef. Kana° for karana° in line 30, radhikritan for ranak-adhikritan in line 31, pratin for prabhritin in lines 31-32). These are occasional confusions of sibilants, as in sringara°  for sringara°  in line 2, sasasa for sasasa in line 4, etc. Prakritism is to be found in vachchhare for Sanskrit vatsare in line 43.

The present charter was issued by king Dharmapala (son of Harshpala and grandson of Gopala) of Pragjyotisha in Assam. Two other copper-plate grants of this king are known. They are the Subhankarapataka and Pushpabhadra grants, both edited by Padmandatha Bhattacharya in the Kamarupasasanavali, pp. 146 ff. The introductory as well as the genealogical portion of the present inscription is also found (with but few divergences) in the Subhankarapataka grant. This agreement which is due to these two inscriptions having been composed by one and the same poet, named Prasthanakalasa, has helped us in restoring some of the portions missing in the present record.

The present inscription is the earliest of the three grants of Dharmapala.1  It was issued in the first regnal year of the king while his Subhankarapataka inscription was issued in the third year of his reign. The Pushpabhadra grant which contains no date was issued in his advanced age as Bhattacharya has convincingly shown.2

The inscription begins with swasti and is followed by a laudatory verse in honour of Ardhayuvatisvara (i.e. Ardhanarisvara-Siva).3  It then gives in the next thirteen verses the genealogy of king Dharmapala. There was a king Naraka by name, who was born of the Earth and Vishnu in his Boar incarnation. His son was Bhagadatta. Then afteran undefined interval flourished in the latter’s family a king named Brahmapala.4  His son was Ratnapala5 and grandson Purandarapala who died as a Yuvaraja leaving behind his son Indrapala1. Intrapala’s son was Gopala. The latter’s son was Harashpala.2 From him and his queen Ratna was born Dharmapala.

Besides carrying the genealogy of the Pala kings of Assam three generations further from Indrapala, the inscriptions of Dharmapala throw no new light on the history of Pragjyotisha. These grants, like those of Indrapala and Ratnapala, are not dated in any era. Chronologically, the Palas of Assam followed the line of Pralambha which again was preceded by that of Salastambha3 flourishing perhaps immediately after Bhaskaravarman. Brahmapala, the first of the pala rulers in Assam, was chosen, we are told in his son Ratnapala’s Bargaon grant, as king by the people to continue the line of Naraka, on Tyagasimha (the last kign of Salastambha’s family) dying issueless.4 On palaeographical grounds, Hoernle5 was inclined to place Ratnapala’s grants in circa 1010-1050 A.D. Brahapala’s period of rule, it may be stated that he flourished three generations later than Indrapala whose Gauhati plates have been assigned to c. 1060 A.D.6  on palaeographical reasons. Thus Dharmapala reigned somewhere in the first half of the 12th century A.D. and this is supported by the palaeography of his inscriptions.

The object of the inscription is to record a grant made by king Dharmapala of some land in Merupataka, producing six thousand measure sof paddy.7  Merupataka was a plot of land carved out of a bigger area called Digalandi belonging to the district of Puruji.8 The donee was Bhatta Mahabahu, son of Vishnu and Grandson of Ummoka who was a Bramana of the Kasyappa gotra and follower of the Kanva sakha of the Yajurveda and hailed from Madhyades.

It may be stated here that only a portion of Merupataka yielding six thousand measures of paddy was given by this grant to Bhatta Mahabahu. Another portion of it yielding the same quantity of paddy was already in the possession of Mahabahu. As it is stated in line 45 of the inscription, this portion lay on the east of what was conveyed to him by the present grant.

Regarding the localities mentioned in the inscription, the name Pragjyotisha is applied here to a city, as also in some other records of Assam. The city stood somewhere near the modern town of Gauhati. The other localities could not be identified.


First Plate    i

[ Metre : vv. 1-13 Vasantatilaka; v.14 Malini ; v.15 Arya; vv.16, 17, 19,20 and 22 Anushtubh; v.18 Sardulavikridita ; v.21 irregular]

  1. S[v]asti | vande tam=Arddhay[u]vatisvaram=adidevam=indivar-orga-phana-mani-karnna-pura[m]10(ram|) [uttu].
  2. [nga-pina]1 kucha-kunkuma-bhasma-bhinnam sri(sri)ngara-raudra-rasayor=iva sarggam=ekam-(kam) || [1*] devasya Su[ka]-
  3. [ra-tanos=ta]2 nayah Prithivyam jato va(ba)bhuva nripatir=Nnarak-abhidhaanab | jitva Satakratu-purah[sa]-
  4. [ra-dikpati]n3 yah Pragyotisha4-puri chiraya sasasa5 rajyam(jyam) || [2*] Tasy=atmajah samabhavad-Bhagada-
  5. [tta-na6]ma dham-adhiko nripati-mauli-nighrishta-padah | yat-samgara-srama-visi(shi)dad-asima-saurya[m]
  6. [mu]rchchha priy=eva parirabhya raraksha Bhimam(mam) || [3*] Tasmina(smin) mahi-pati-kule Kulasaila-kalpah Prachi-
  7. [pa]ti-pratikritir=nnripatir-vva(bba)bhuva | sri-Vra(bra)hmapala iti visruta-namadheyo dhye-yo dvi-
  8. [sha]m gunavatan=cha bhay-anuragaih || [4*] Pradurvva(rbba)bhuva suta-ratnam=anunadhama sri-Ratnanapa-
  9. [la] iti tasya yathartha-name | Yasy=asa samgara-jito nripa-chakra-mauli-mala-dhare
  10. [cha]rana eva mahipa-lakshmih || [5*] Tasy=atmajo=jani Purandarapala-nama dham-aika-bhu-
  11. s=sa sukriti yuvaraja eva | sayujyam=apa vidhi-viparyayatah7 pitrinam=utpadya sadhuchari[tam]
  12. sutam=Indrapalam(lam) || [6*} Raja chiraya sa mahim prasasa(sa)sa samyak sakti-traya-prathita-saurya-vi[n]I-
  13. rjjit-arih | ishtaih prahrishta-Va(Ba)labhit-kratubhih kritinam=agresarah Smara iva pramada-jananam(nam) [|| 7*]
  14. Tasy=atmabhur=abhavad=apratima=pratapo Gopala ity=avanipala-kula-pradipah | yah simni sau-
  15. Rya-dhaninam guninam vadanya(nyo) dakshinya-punya-vidusham vasati sma lok[e] || [8*] Tasmad=va(d=ba)bhuva tanayah pitri-
  16. Harsha-palah sri-Harshapala iti sadhu-jan-opagitah | samprapya charu-charitam chiram=apa sa[khya]-

Second Plate, First Slide    ii.a

17.   [sau]khy-amritam Kamalaya saha Bharatiyath(yam) || [9*] Santarppitah samara-bhumishu yena sa(sa)svat khadga8-prahara-da-

18.    it-ahita-kumbhi-kumbhaih | rakshoga9na[h*] prachura-phena-vimisram=asram=ushn-o-shnam=asu trishitah paritah piva(ba)nti [|| 10*]

19.    Devasya tasya mahishi pravara satinam=atm-anurupa-kulaja Girij=eva Sambhoh | Ratnabhidha vivdha-punya-

20.    Pavitra-kirttir=utkirya sitakiranad=iva nirmmit=abhut || [11*] Putras=tayor=abhavad=amvu(mbu) dhi-mekhalaya bha[2]tta bhuvah(va)-

21.    s=tribhuvan-abharana[m] mahipah || (|) sri-Dharmmapala iti dharmmaparo=pi kamam=arthan=cha palayate(ti) yah prasamikshya1 ka-

22.    lam(lam) |[| 12] Nistrinsa2-ghata-dalit [e]bha-vimukti9kta0-mukta-pushp-opahara-ruchireshu ran- anganeshu ||(|) devah param samara-sambha-

23.    vaya viharttum=ekah-sriya vijayate saha Dharmmapalah |[| 13*] Parinayati ya eko bhumim= =ek-etaapa-

24.    ttram saranam=upagatanam=ekako yah sarasya (nya)h [|] jaagati vidita-kirttir=Dharmmapalabhidhanah

25.    sa jayati jita-vir-arati chakro natendrah || [14*] Prasthanakalasa namna kavina go-varnnamana-vai-

26.    dyena | rachita prasastir=amala rajnah sri-Dharmmapalasya || ||3 [15*] SsvastiPragjyotishadhpaty- asamkhyat-a-

27.  pratihata-danda-kshapit-asesh-ripu-pakshah(ksha)-sri-varaha-paramesvara-paramabhattaraka-maharaajadhiraja-

28.    srimad-dHarshapalavarmmadeva-pad-anudhyata-paramesvaraa-paramabhattaraka-maharajadhiraja-srimad-Dha-

29.    Rmmapalavarmmadeva-padah kushalinah4 || || Puruji-vishay-antahpati-Digalandi-bhumyapakrishta-

30.    dhanya-dvi5 –sahasr-otpattika-Merupataka-bhumau || || Yathayatham samupasthita-vishayaka [ra*] na-vva-

31.    Vaharika-pramukha-janapadan raja-rajni-radhikritan=anany=api6 rajanyaka-rajaputrs rajava1[1]abha-pra-

    Second Plate, Second Side    Iii.b

32.   [bhri*][ti]n yathakala-bhavino=pi sarvvan manana-pu[r]vvaka[in] samadisa(sa)nti viditam=astu bhavatam bhumir-iyam vasu-

33.   [ke]dara-sthala-ja7 –akara-goprachar-avashka(ska)r-ady-upeta-yathasamstha sva-sim-oddessa-paryanta hastiva(ba)ndha-naukava(ba)ndha-

34.   chauroddharana-daandapasik-auparikara-nana-nimitt-otkhetana-hasty-asv-oshtra-go-mahish-ajavika-prachara-sa-ja-

35.   la-sthala-prabhritin1 vinivarita-sa[ra*] vva-pida sasanikritya || || Madhyades-odbhavo vipro yajva Ved-anga2-pa-

36.   ragah | yogi rathika Ummokah sarvva-sastra-visara[da][h*] || [16*] Kasya(sya)po=sau Yajurv-vedi Kanva(nva)-sakho mahamakhah [I]

37.   Agnishtom-adibhir=yo(ya)gair=yen=eshtam va(ba)hudha kila || [17*] Tasminn=adhvara-dhuma-tivra-vikala-vyalola-pathan vatun3

38.   K[r]ida-panjara-samyatah sarid-uru-prajna-nidhanah |4 sukah5 ||(|) [ya]nra(tr=a)sit khalu sikshayan=mu-

39.   hur=alam6 samsmarahan sarika asan yanraa(tra) cha lajjitah punar=asi(pi)8 vipras=chiram7 ritvijah [|| 18*]

40.   Tasya sunur=abhud=virah sa(sa)stra-sastra-parayanah | namna Vishnur=iti khyato bhuvi Vishnur=-I-

41.   V=aparah || [19*] Sambhor=abhud=yatha Gauri Lakshmir=iva Hareh priya | tasy=asin=Manorama-nama apar-akhya9

42.   Manasvini [||] [20*] Tabhyam=ajayata sutah sriman=Mahava(ba)hur=iti visrutah | Mimansabhyasa10 nihsesh-

43.   Dosha-prosi(shi)ta-manasah || [21*]Rajna sri-Dharmmapalena rajye prathama-vachchha-(tsa)re | dhanya-shat-sasrika11 bhumi-

44.   R=ddatta tasya dvijanmaanah 12 || || [22*] Asyah sima purvvenaa Hakkevatti-bhuh phettasim-mali-Digalandi-bhuh

45.   Merupatakaa-dha13-shat-sahaasraani Bhatta-Mahava(ba)hu-bhujyamanani | Purujyam purvvena Samkhu14 paataaka-bhumau

46.   Kshetrali-Vatavriksha-saha-sima | dakshinena Arjja15 pataki-bhmau tad-vekrena Bhalla(115)- chana 16 vriksha-sima {|}

    Third Plate    ii.c


                    Reg. No. 3977 E'36-499.55

47.   …………….17 Sima dakshinena …………………………….18  

bhumi vri(bri)had-ali[h|*] Aasvas[tha](ttha)[vriksha]-si[ma]|

48.   1paschimena Khantapattaki2-bhumi3-saha-sima vri(bri)had-ali[h*] | tad-vakrena jatodipam(pam)4 Svayambhudeva-[sa]-

49.  ha-sima kshetra-ali[h*] | uttarena Devanatha-sa(sa)tka-sa(sa)sana-saha-sima Asvastha(ttha)- vriksha[h*] | tad-vakrena Khagali5-

50.   bhumi6-saha-sima | tad-uttarena Panchapataka-bhumau Jadmaka7-jola[m*] | dakshina-pataka iti || Evam=a-

51.   para-khanda-digalandi-Mereupataka-simah [I] purvvena Chokkapataka-Kumara-satka-saasana-paschima-

52.   pataka[h*] | Kanta-phala-vriksha-puska(shka)rini-Vata vriksha-saha-sima | Panna8vana-da-kshina-pataka[h*] | tad-va-

53.   krena Bhavedeva-puska(shka)rini-u(ny-u)ttara-pataka{h*] Konchalividi-vri(bri)had-ali[h*] | tad-uttare-

54.   na | paschimena Madhumathana –sa(sa) tka-sasana-pura-putta9- bhumau(mi)-saha-simaa vri (bri)had-ali[h*] \ taa-

55.   to dakshinena Vatavriksha-saha-sima | tato dakshinena Panchaka-bhumi-(Mau]sarola10-jola-

56.   u(I-o)ttara11-pataka[h*] | purvvena Va(ba)labhadra-puska(shka)rini-u(ny-u)ttara-pataka-saha-sima | tata(taah) purvvenaa Chokka-pata-

57.   ka-bhu-simmi12 jola-paschima-pataka[h*] | vri(bri)had-ali[h*] | Sahada-jotaka-vrikshah Digalandi-bhumi Kama-

58.   nda[la]-gotrasy13 sri-Damdu14 paschime ek-ansa15 ……………..


  1. Svasti [|*] Pragjyotish-adhipati-ma-
  2. Harajadhiraja-sri-Dharmma-
  3. Palavarmmadevah ||


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