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35, Officers Colony

Jhabua (M.P.) 457-661

Ph.: (07392) 43473


With the subtle inspiration and blessings of His Holiness Swami Satyanand Ji Maharaj and Shree Prem Ji Maharaj the Amritvani Satsang is being held everyday in evening at 7.00 pm in the Satsang was not very much.  Later, it was decided that the charge of the Satsang should be entrusted to some local sadhak.  So, it was started at Bapu Shri Jagannath singh Rathore's residence and still continuing at the same place. The gathering in the Satsang started rising day-by-day. Babu Shri Jagannath permitted to construct a Satsang Hall at the roof of his house.  Now "Shree Ram Sharnam" at this place is "The symbol of our faith. "After the death of Bapu ji, his wife Mata Ratankunvarji became incharge and later after her death, Shri Kailash Chander Rathore is the present incharge.

It is the Sheer Grace of Almighty that sansang is being held regularly and at a fixed time since 1971 and has never been interrupted. This Holy place is popular in a form of the most pious, live centre for awakening of soul.  Swami Ji Maharaj is considered as the Chief and all work is done as per his guidelines. Any announcement, request or direction issued from there is considered as an order of Swami Ji and is always complied with because normally every person has number of individual divine experiences. We all have a strong belief that Gurujans visit us every day at Satsang time and Satsang is held under their divine inspiration.

Param Pujaya Gurudev SHREE PREM JI MAHARAJ wanted to visit Jhabua but because of doctor's advice he could not do so in physical form during his life time. Shree Prem Ji Maharaj once wrote in a letter that after he got permission from the doctor he would try to visit Jhabua. Once he left for Jhabua from Indore but he has to back from Ghaar. All the sadhaks including myself who are associated with "Shree Ram Sharnam" strongly believe that Shree Maharaj Ji does visit us. He normally comes here, he sits with us for Satsang and we all feel his presence. This may sound foolish and emotional but this is an eternal truth that Gurudev Shree Prem Ji Maharaj normally visits Jhabua. Any one who desires to ascertain this belief is always welcome.  I came to know from one sadhak to Delhi, who was close to Shree prem Ji Maharaj that he was very fond of Roses.  Believe me that I felt the fragrance of the rose in my house many times although there was no Rose plant near my house at that time.  I feel for certain that Shree Maharaj Ji used to come whenever I called him--- at that time also when he was physically living among us and now also when he has left his body.  I have met many Saints and Mahatamas but after meeting Shree Prem Ji Maharaj my soul got the kind of internal satisfaction which can not be expressed in words. Although at that time thee was no spiritual curiosity or thirst in me and my eyes were always on mortal world. Meeting a Satguru and taking NAAM DEEKSHA of " Shree Ram Naam" was my main purpose to gain in mundane life and today I repent on my foolishness that I always asked for this mortal world. Saint's help and Spiritual Progress are great assets. Many of the people here feel that Shree Prem Ji Maharaj has given everything, whether for worldly progress or for spiritual progress of his life time, then Shree RAM NAAM would have spread in this area long ago and the spiritual scene of this area would have been totally different. The silence of Shree Prem Ji Maharaj has always been his biggest Pravacahn. How can physical relations and ever changing processes bind a person who is totally attuned with the cosmic consciousness of the whole universe. He in the physical form as well as a soul had always been guiding us and we would always continue to enjoy the cool shelter of his holy feet.



After Shree prem Ji Maharaj's final merger with the Supreme Soul, all of us groups and groups of the human beings, who are associated with Shree Ram Sharnam and in darkness, have been blessed with such a unique devotee with unflinching faith in Shree Raam Naam and the most loving and blessed one of our Gurujans. He is a guide saviour, source of inspiration, liberator, redundantly generous, humble, forgiving Saint, travelling village to village and from one cluster of few houses to another to enlighten the light of spirituality. We are extremely fortunate to have you. We evil hearted, crooked people were not deserving a steadfast Saint of your caliber. Possibly, it is result of our previous birth's virtuous actions or it was the dignity or majesty of this place, that you visited Jhabua in 1995. To ascend on religious and spiritual path is highly adventurous work. Week, timid can not walk on this path, they can definately pose as walking on this path. There is also a fragrance of devotion along with courage and adventure in the soil of Jhabua. Tribals of this area are considered criminal minded, but these persons do possess one quality, the quality of adventure. They show their bravery in breaking the law of the land and barrier of social limits. If this quality of theirs is channelised on the right path, then they tread very fast on the path of spirituality. This work had been made possible by the blessings of Revered Gurudev Shree Vishwamitter Ji Maharaj. These tribals who considered themselves untouchables and downtrodden sinners who were cut off and were disowned by the society for centuries together, were hugged by Shri Maharaj Ji to grant them the right of living respectfully, thus liberating them from the cursed living of many lives. When Shree Maharaj Ji addressed joint congregation of so called highly intelligent urbanites and simpleton tribal bheels and explained them "The path of Bhakti", initiated them to RAAM NAAM and thereafter when Shree Maharaj Ji had food with these simpleton Bheels having criminal reputation, the joy of these tribals was boundless and they realized from the core of their heart that there is no such saint or such a path on this earth. There is neither disparity of caste and wealth observed, nor any delusion regarding Daan offerings practiced. Which fool would like to leave the divine company and nectar of such a Samarath Guru for fradulant slush.

On your first visit in Jhabua people gathered around you the way Gopis used to gather around Lord Krishna. You conceded in your first Pravachan that "I am over-whelmed by seeing boundless love and sincere devotion towards the Gurujans and it is difficult to speak anything additional except love." Maharaj Ji! Why we should not be over-whelmed in love after getting Gurujans like you. There is still a scope of expansion of RAAM NAAM in this area. Although you have sown the seeds of surprising revolution in this area within few years and if your grace continues for ever then liberation of lakhs of very poor people of Jhabua will be possible.

Though these are coaxed and allured and pushed to the deep well by some shallow preachers posing as self styled Gurus and the innocent tribals and mislead. This is eternal truth that Shree Ram Sharnam mission is founded by Swami Satyanand Ji Maharaj and Shree Ram Sharnam of Delhi and Haridwar were established as per his guidelines. As per the GURU-KUL Parampara your goodself (Param PUjya Shree Vishwamitter Ji Maharaj) is our present GURU enthroned on the holy seat. Any other person can be a preacher but can never be a Sat Guru. Shree Ram Sharnam is "Siddh-Peeth", a temple, because it has been endowed with supernatural powers by Swami Ji Maharaj, Guru Dev Shree Prem Ji Maharaj have made this divine and wonderful. The "Shree Adhishthan Ji" of this place is Shree  Ram personified for us because this was sacredly installed through proper customs. So Shree Ram Sharnam of Delhi and Haridwar are full fledged centres of our devotion. We are extremely fortunate to have a Guru like you in whom we see the vision of both Maharajs (Swami JI Maharaj and Shree Prem Ji Maharaj). The people who established monasteries at other places can never be competent Gurus.

Shree Maharaj Ji! I humbly & sincerely request you to kindly keep on gracing Jhabua at least once in a year so that Lakhs of people of this place are benefitted by your Darshans and also enjoyed the nectar of your teachings and continue to steadfastly tread on the path of liberation.




Visit Report of Shree Maharaj Ji to Jhabua, Ujjain & Indore  (05- 02- 2001 - 09 - 02- 2001)

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