N.C. Raves: Making the music
Guide to Electronica : Making the music (8 of 9)

The people who make techno music may or may not be deejays. Composing electronica involves a variety of instruments, most of them electronic in nature. Synthesizers are used for melodies. Drum machines create rhythms. Other songs, strange noises, even traditional instruments are sampled to add to the mix. Desktop computers and sequencers tie them all together, arranging the music and adding layers of sound. All the elements come together to make the music [Audio].

The best musicians (and deejays) are often interested in many kinds of electronica and other types of music, incorporating different styles and unusual samples into their music.

Once the music is made, it's pressed onto LP records so deejays can vary their speed to mix the beats of songs together (called "beat-matching"). Deejays sometimes make mixed cassette tapes or CDs to show off their work, but tapes and CDs are rarely used to mix music together. They're not as versatile or easy to control as vinyl records are.

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