N.C. Raves: Overdose
Raves, media, and the law : Overdose (5 of 9)




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Many perceive drug use, addiction, and overdose as increasing among ravegoers -- and the drugs they're using may be getting harder. After an apparent drug overdose, this man had to be wrestled to the ground and taken away in restraints. MORE
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Copyright ©1998 Jim Webb. All rights reserved.

"It seems like people are straying away from the hallucinogens the scene was based on," says Jodie Webb, from Chapel Hill. Jen Grossman, another Chapel Hill ravegoer, agrees. "I'm disturbed by the amounts of children on drugs," she says, "and the amount they do is incredible."

"Nancy," 21, says she thinks raves wouldn't be as good without hallucinogens and Ecstasy, but says that newcomers often put themselves in dangerous situations by using drugs indiscriminately. "I research what goes into my body, I know where it comes from," she says. "These kids don't do that. At every single party, 15 people who I don't know ask me for a pill or for acid, trusting me with their lives." Knowing a drug's effects and potential adverse reactions -- and telling friends what you're doing -- is important, she says. TOP