N.C. Raves: The music, the 'vibe'
What is a rave? : The music, the 'vibe' (7 of 10)


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"Just because drugs are here, it's not what it's all about," says J.C. Garza (center), of Southern Pines. "The music is the most important thing." MORE
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Copyright ©1998 Jim Webb. All rights reserved.

"I dance and go off into another world," says Garza, who snagged the album pictured above in a giveaway during a rave in Fayetteville. "I can't believe how friendly people are, and they don't expect anything in return except the love back." He says drug abuse at parties threatens to make the music less important. "I believe in experimenting, but not in abuse," he says. "Drugs are a side dish. The main course is music and dancing." TOP