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Public service announcements on rape and sexual assault

See also: films and music or art therapy


PSA's from RAINN


A listing of PSA's including Tori Amos


A part of me - RAINN PSA


PSA on Domestic Violence (Keira Knightley)

This PSA shows Knightly portraying an actress (such as herself) returning from work to an abusive partner. It is fairly realistic and intense.


RAINN public service announcements- "Lift Me Up"

This PSA is a hauntingly beautiful video accompanied by the song "Lift Me Up".

You can view "Unbroken" here and here.

You can view the video at Road Less Travelled productions- see the tab work/commercials/RAINN- Try the low speed links.


  • Bottom link: Click on 'Crawl' (text) then click on 'low'

Description: A hauntingly beautiful video of a woman in the aftermath of assault with RAINN information scrolling beneath her. This version has no spoken words.

  • Middle link: Click on 'lift me up' then click on 'high'

Description: The middle one is the song with a video of the assault and the trauma she feels afterwards.

  • Top link: Click on 'Her story' then click on the symbol for the program you want to use.

Description: A verbal (spoken) story of how the assault occured. Very graphic.

You can also listen via audio to the song "Lift me up" by Bruce Springsteen

  • A longer version is available under 'films' from the main menu called 'unbroken'

Click on films and then click on 'unbroken'

Description: 9 minute film by Brad Furman

"Unbroken is haunting for an altogether different reason. This short film/PSA for the Rape Abuse Incest National Network concerns a young woman trying to hold herself together and confront her trauma after being sexually assaulted. Furman manages to strike an effective balance between beautiful, powerful images depicting a touchy subject without making it feel too 'slick' or music-videoesque. Information on how someone can report an assault is included." EInsiders

Unbroken is also available here.


FEAR - multi-media documentary project


"Each FEAR Project story is a stand-alone 'chapter' intended as part of an overarching production for the editorial, educational, and advocacy markets. The themes are meant to help people think critically about how we live; sexual violence is pervasive and psychologically debilitating, the statistics show it, but the revelation is in the personal narrative. In these stories we can find our relationship to the violence and hopefully make sense of it" This is very moving, professionally done and effective. The format is video with audio voice-overs. The 'Portraits' promotional video would be very good for showing during class presentations as an overview.


Real men don't rape

Alternate screens of statistics text with music and images of survivors.


How to help sexual assault survivors

also here: http://www.freedom-center.org/radio/

Very informative audio on how to support sexual assault survivors. The voice is male and goes through the whole list of "what not to say" and what to be sure to do. Example: Advising not to ask too many questions and "don't say 'when are you going to get over this.'" Do say- "you did the best you could do to survive." I think this would be very powerful played at the same time as a silent video or a video with music only (such as the crawl text version of 'lift me up').


SPEAK the movie - public service announcements, clips


These clips are very powerful illustrations mostly of secondary victimization in rape survivors. The book on tape is very moving as well. You can play a sample audio of the book in addition to the video clips.


Incest survivor tells her story - video interview. This survivor published a book as well.


United against sexual assault video psa - includes male survivors



Rape Crisis PSA


Rape crisis psa explaining what an victim's advocate does. Very straight forward with no music. Video.


Justice for Victims


Justice for Victims #4 has the rape victim by herself talking about her victims impact statement and how that helped her get a longer sentence for her perp.

#1 is a PSA for victim advocates which includes a rape victim who laughs and smiles at the end. Explains what victim advocates do. Very smoothly done, non offensive and family oriented.


Date rape drug psa


Date rape drug psa- explains exactly what rohypnal is and it's effects. This video is very informative and aimed at high school or college.


PSA trailor for "Searching for Angela Shelton"



Charmaine Neville public service announcements for Katrina



RAINN talk radio interview

"Darcey West is the Communications Manager at RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network). The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) is the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization and has been ranked as one of “America’s 100 Best Charities by Worth magazine." This is a long, in depth interview in two parts. It is not a short psa so much as a normal interview on the radio.

Tori Amos for RAINN if you know of an audio version please contact me


“Hi, I’m Tori Amos, and I’d like to talk to you about healing from the crime of rape. It’s taken me years to take the steps to deal with my anger and this incredible empty void which had taken me over. I wrote the song Me and a Gun as a first step in acknowledging what had happened. Since then I’ve had help from wise people who have given me emotional tools to climb out of this darkness. So with the help of Atlantic Records, we’re launching the first nationwide 24-hour sexual assault hotline and toll free number. You’ll be confidentially connected to the Rape Crisis Center nearest you. And remember, the hotline is open 24 hours a day. The number is 1-800-656-HOPE. That’s 1-800-656-HOPE, because there is hope.” [Public Service Announcement, 1994]


Public service announcement, hand outs and images from RAAP - Featuring college students explaining their resources and mission.


Date rape drug psa


Rape Crisis PSA




Teen dating violence campaigns


Teen dating violence campaigns- a list of psa's relating to sexual violence.


Teen self esteem


CD you can listen to online on teen self esteem. The last song- survivor is interesting. Sort of a gospel song about equality. It's about domestic violence and csa. Very moving.
"TEENesteem" Magazine- Xpose CD.


Date rape drugs


News report on date rape drugs- fast fwd past the fire awareness segment.


PSA directory



Audio clip of Vagina Monologues


'Surviving The Truth'

A talk radio interview with a Survivor of Childhood sexual and physical abuse as well as domestic violence.


Statutory Rape PSA




Still images



VDAY still images psa campaign (posters in a slide show).


Visual aids and handouts


Relationship of rapist to victim- a graph



Music found here



EPM Communications (2002). Making A Difference. Entertainment Marketing Letter, 15 (12): 3, United States: EPM Communications.

ISSN: 1048-5112

Quote: "The May 20 airing on Lifetime Television of the made-for-TV-movie "Scared Silent" and a subsequent public service announcement prompted nine times the normal call volume on the National Sexual Assault Hotline. "Scared Silent" aired as part of Lifetime Television's "Our Lifetime Commitment: Stop Violence Against Women" campaign. The program was followed by a public service announcement with information about its "put rapists in jail" online petition and the Hotline's toll-free number, 800-656-HOPE. The National Sexual Assault Hotline is operated by The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) established by singer Tori Amos."


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