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Rape Survivor Retreats

Retreats for rape and Sexual Assault Survivors



SOAR SPA (Something Positive Afterward) is a series of weekend retreats for survivors and their families designed to enhance the healing process by rejuvenating the spirit and fostering supportive relationships and bonds.

What is TEAM SOAR? TEAM SOAR is a new project SOAR is working on. It will consist of people, like you, who are survivors of sexual violence and want to share their stories with the public to help raise awareness of sexual violence.


Operation Freefall


Some people take a stand for what they believe in. Why not take a flying leap?


Avenging Angel Workshops


"Description of Initiative: The My Avenging Angel Workshops program, originated and facilitated by Susan Omilian of West Hartford, Connecticut, provides the critical “next step” for women who have been abused to break permanently out of the cycle of violence and to reclaim their lives. Based on the idea that “living well is the best revenge,” the program allows women to uncover their hidden talents, find the focus of their creative potential, and transform their lives in positive, productive ways."


Outward Bound


"Since 1985, Outward Bound Canada and since 1996, Outward Bound USA has been offering women survivors of violence the opportunity to participate in a specially designed seven-day course called Women of Courage. The course brings women, who share a common history, together to share a powerful experience, while discovering the beauty and serenity of the natural world. Empowering women to recognize that they are capable of far more than they ever realized. It is a time to explore perceived limits and to expand capabilities, which allows them to return to their regular lives with a renewed sense of strength and competency."

It's outdoors, It is for women who are at the end of their therapy, and the retreats are 8 days in length with a max capacity of 10 women and 2 faciliators/guides (I do not know if they are licensed therapists).


SAAV Survivor Workshops and Retreats


"SAAV firmly believes in the healing power of art and creativity. SAAV is developing arts and creative expression-based workshops and retreats for survivors. These private events will offer survivors a safe, nurturing place to express feelings in whatever ways are most comfortable to each individual. Some may choose writing: poetry, theatre or prose; some may prefer visual arts: painting or drawing or collage. Some: music. The possibilities are endless but the goal is to allow each woman to express herself privately to herself and then to the group in hopes of integrating the violent experience into her life on a deeper level. SAAV believes that in “owning” our experience of violence and coming to terms with what it has brought to our lives, we grow from victim to survivor and open up our potential for limitless personal growth. Although the workshops will be a therapeutic experience for survivors, they are NOT, and never will be, offered as therapy. SAAV advises all potential participants to see a counselor or therapist privately before attending any SAAV workshops. There will be an interview process so that SAAV can decide with confidence if the survivor is at the right place in her healing to participate. SAAV will request written permission to contact the survivors’ therapists or counselors to seek their approval." info@contactSAAV.org


Survivor News- outreach events

Please help everyone by announcing your outreach events here.


Blue Mountain Yoga


This is a closed class for females who have experienced sexual assault or abuse. Participants should be past the initial crisis and involved in therapy or with a support network. Includes a "Survivor Toolkit".


Retreats for Survivors


Survivors of clergy sexual abuse and exploitation quickly find out they have suffered a life altering experience, the wounds from which may take a very long time to heal. The repercussions can have devastating effects on victims and their families.


Is Nothing Sacred?


Is Nothing Sacred? is the nationally acclaimed retreat for survivors of clergy sexual abuse. Recognized by both survivors and religious leaders for its effectiveness in healing, Is Nothing Sacred? is specifically designed to address the spiritual, emotional and psychological devastation of clergy sexual abuse.


Committed to Freedom


To attend a Committed to Freedom Retreat, we must receive an application. Applications must be received no later than 14 days prior to the retreat you are planning to attend. We believe that the source of human suffering comes from a broken relation between God and people.


SNAP message board local support groups


SNAP's healing model - that both survivors and the institution that hurt them must be healed - focuses on helping individuals and changing the church that allowed the abuse.


A Residential Workshop for Adult Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse.


The past decade has seen great positive change for people in recovery from sexual abuse and rape, for males in particular.

No longer forced to suffer alone, survivors and professionals continue to develop resources and support systems that move the recovery process forward.




The National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization, is committed to preventing, healing, and eliminating all forms of sexual victimization of boys and men through treatment, research, education, advocacy, and activism. The organization maintains a web site (www.malesurvivor.org) that includes a wealth of information for survivors and professionals about male sexual victimization as well as a Discussion Board and live Chat Room where survivors can network and support one another, anonymously if they wish. MaleSurvivor also publishes a newsletter and sponsors periodic conferences and healing retreats.


Informal survey results on survivor preferences for retreats 2004

Informal survey results on survivor preferences for retreats 2005

Informal survey results on survivor preferences for retreats 2006



The effects of a Wilderness Challenge course on victims of rape in locus of control, self-concept, and fear. Pfirman, Elenore M.; Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol 49(7-B), Jan 1989. pp. 2870. link





Resources to research this subject:

Journals and articles

Search the NCJRS Abstracts Database

Google scholar or Findarticles

Finding books at the library

Online Libraries on sexual assault

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Search terms: rape crisis

Related links: Victim blame


Macdonalds, J. (2004). World Book Encyclopedia. United States of America: World Book Inc.

rape. (2006). Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 2, 2006, from Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9376486

Smith, M. D. (2004). Encyclopedia of Rape. USA: Greenwood Press.

Sedney, M., "rape (crime)." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Scholastic Library Publishing, 2006 <http://gme.grolier.com> (February 1, 2006).



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