Sexual Assault Survivor Retreat Survey #2, 2005

This survey is a follow up to the Survivor Retreat Survey taken in October 2004.


1.What type of setting would you like a sexual assault survivor retreat to take place in?

1 A nice, safe, non-urban setting. Closer to a spa than a conference center. Maybe there could be a lake?
2 I would love for it to be in a place thats tropical and beautiful. Someplace where I could relax and not have to worry about daily things.
3 Quiet but not isolated. eg not in a very busy inner-city area
4 Somewhere NON-public (no confrence rooms at hotels, ect) somewhere sort of dim lit, soft color, no bright or sterile (hospital or ritzy hotel settings)
5 quiet, close-to-nature type of setting
6 A nature-y area. Somewhere where it would eb safe to walk around at night.
7 Someplace near the seashore/coast. Open, not secluded like the woods which might be triggering for some. Temp is warm, there is a natural beauty to the area for walks or outdoor recreation.
8 the woods.
9 unspoilt countryside. Not too wooded or overgrown Tranquil, quiet
10 don't know... sorry!!
11 in a secluded area in nature but in a comfortable building
12 woodsy mountain nature refuge type place with a variety of options such as a lake or river, open fields etc
13 Semi-secluded hotel/retreat center
14 a quiet retreat center.
15 somewhere pretty. like a wooded area or the beach
16 Some where quite, I remember a retreat that was at a monestary. It was relaxed and it was a historical place, so there was alot of beautiful landmarks and things to do.
17 Somewhere out in the woods, or someplace with a garden.
18 in a nice nature area like the mountains like in cabins
19 Somewhere secluded and out of the public eye. Around a lake or beach or something would be cool.
20 a serene wooded type a cabin or something...nothing with a lot of bugs and stuff, but just something away from the main world...
21 cozy hotel

22 A secluded and safe area where there would be personel able to handle emergencies and such. Hospitable services/amenities, etc.


2.What type of therapeutic activities would you like to see take place during the retreat? Please List them in order of preference.

1 ... group discussions. art?
2 Writing walking Talking to someone
3 Relaxation (during panic attacks) survival (emotioanl & physical) lots of **your worthy* taught Lots of *its not your shame* Fun & games that are safe, and fun for all, even child like would be ok.
4 writing group discussions, small and large hearing a speaker reading
5 Umm... I don't know any specifics. I'd like to be able to talk, to learn how to have fun and to trust, to have body-postive stuff, and to have most of the day be non-triggering.
6 Art therapy with various media, yoga & meditation, massage therapy, outdoor recreation.
7 horse riding
8 inner child work art therapy hypnotherapy peer counceling
9 sharing circles
10 massage expression through arts relaxation
11 anything with the possibility of animals present
12 Massage Meditation Art Projects Journaling Yoga Dance Therapy Group Discussions
13 relaxation, dealing with triggers. Intamicy
14 outdoor activities and maybe art therapy
15 I'm not sure about this one.
16 Support groups, focus on validation, art therapy.
17 1)group chats 2)horseback 3)chat with people who suffered the same kind of abuses
18 Fun sports (ball, water, team building etc) movie nights nature walks
19 things to help work on trust learn to trust people again, because that is a pretty big issue.
20 sharing group therapy workshops?

21Yes or NO no
How many options? not mandatory activities. options are good. mb 4-6
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? yes, definately. control-issues are very important


3.Do You Think there should be restrictions on what stage of survivorhood people are in? (WOULD YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE WITH SOMEONE AT A DIFFERENT LEVEL OF HEALING OR WHO WAS ASSAULTED MORE RECENTLY OR LONGER AGO?)

1 No: it's impossible to measure that kind of thing anyway.
2 Im sure that it would be hard for anyone in any situation. But I think, that someone who is at a higher level of healing can help someone who was assulted recently.
3 mixed feeling here. 1st I thought it didn't matter, BUT.. there would be some that would feel even guiltier if they weren't UP to the level of someone whose a survivor of 50 yrs, or whatever.
4 My first impression or conception of a retreat would include those whose assault was a bit in the past. I think the initial pain and trauma immediately following my own rape were too great to allow me to share or confide in anyone. It was a long time before I could handle even talking about it, so my opinion would be the assault couldn't be within the past six months AT LEAST.
5 However, this lack of restrictions would have to be stressed.
6 no
7 no. i think we can learn from everyone and give strength to all people. no matter what stage someone is in
8 well...for instance..if someone is in the beginning stages they wouldn't want to be stuck with someone who is over that first hump and doesn't need the same care as you...
9 people farther along offer insight and hope to people just beginning. There should be some "split up" activities that can focus on the individual levels since they will have different needs.


4. Would you be comfortable with mandatory activities for all members of the community? Yes or No. If you needed to have options- how many options would you like?

1 Yes or NO no
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? ... yes.
2 Yes or NO no
How many options? 2
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? yes
3 Yes or NO No
How many options? should be able to opt out
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? yes
4 Yes or NO Umm, NO (sometimes ya just can't go to T, to hard)
How many options? 3
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? no
5 Yes or NO Yes, assuming each participates on her own level
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? No
6 Yes or NO I wouldn't mind it if activities were "expected."
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? If there are reprecussions for not attending, yes.
7 Yes or NO No
How many options? 2
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? I think mandatory comes across as forcible.
8 Yes or NO no
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? no
9 Yes or NO no
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? people should not be 'made' to do anything
10 Yes or NO Yes
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? For some it may be
11 Yes or NO no
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? yes, survivors need to be empowered not the opposi
12 Yes or NO Yes
How many options? 2-3
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? no
13 Yes or NO No
14 Yes or NO yes
How many options? 3
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? no
15 Yes or NO Yes
16 Yes or NO Yes
How many options? 1 or 2
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? It depends on what it is.
17 Yes or NO No.
How many options? I don't konw.
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? Possibly.
18 Yes or NO yes i think it would be the point to work together
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? maybe sometimes
19 Yes or NO NO
How many options? doesnt have to be many 2 -5
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? we had our choices taken dont take it again
20 Yes or NO yes
How many options? 4 or 5
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? could be...
21 Yes or NO no
How many options? 2 or 3 for each activity option
Do you feel restrictions would be a control issue? yes. mandatory things would scare people


5.Are you familiar with Dissociative Identity Disorder? If so do you feel inclusion of DID therapy would be appropriate?

1 Yes or NO yes
Include DID? yes
Other special groups to include? not really a group, but ED/SI stuff would be nice.
2 Yes or NO Im not familiar with this.
3 Yes or NO yes
Include DID? yes but able to opt in/out
Other special groups to include? yes
4 Yes or NO not familiar with it, but my memory is bad
Include DID? I guess, not sure what it is
Other special groups to include? Cas, Incest, anger( let it out), inner child
5 Yes or NO No
6 Yes or NO Somewhat
Include DID? If those individuals want it
Other special groups to include? Self-inflicted violence...
7 Yes or NO Yes
Include DID? Yes
Other special groups to include? Male Survivors
8 Yes or NO no
Include DID? yes
9 Yes or NO yes
Include DID? yes
Other special groups to include? yes
10 Yes or NO yes
Include DID? yes
Other special groups to include? yes
11 Yes or NO no
Include DID? DID medicalizes a normal human response
12 Yes or NO Yes I am familiar
Include DID? Yes
13 Yes or NO Yes
Include DID? Yes
14 Yes or NO yes
Include DID? yes
15 Yes or NO No
16 Yes or NO No
Include DID? I'm not Familiar with it
17 Yes or NO Yes.
Include DID? Yes.
Other special groups to include? People who were dx'ed mentally ill before assault.
18 Yes or NO yes
Other special groups to include? ptsd, and depression
19 Yes or NO yes
Include DID? maybe for specific groups or give a choice
Other special groups to include? SI, ED, etc
20 Yes or NO not familiar
21 Yes or NO yes
Include DID? no
Other special groups to include? None

22 Yes or NO somewhat
Include DID? yes
Other special groups to include? as much as reasonably feasible


6.How many people should be accepted into the retreat group at once?

1 ... I think that each group would have it's own preference. I could see about 20 people?
2 I think a small amount would be best. Maybe at the max 5 people. Or maybe an even amount of people so they could break off into groups.
3 smallish numbers... no more than about 15
4 small groups... up to 30 ???
5 No more than 40
6 Definately not more than fifty nor less than five. Five to thirty would probably be optimal.
7 15-20.
8 depends on the construction
9 depends of number of pofessionals but no more than 10 to a group
10 no idea
11 8 to 12
12 10 Max.
13 As many as the center can hold
14 15-20
15 8-10 people
16 Small group of 10-15
17 I don't know.
18 10- 20
19 depends but between 5-10 maybe
20 i would say at most least 4 or 5
21 depends on the facilities and resources. preferably no more than 20 survivors per "leader" or organizer...

22mm, 60?

7.Would you be comfortable with the retreat welcoming all the diverse members of the survivor community such as LGBTQ members?

1 Yes
2 Yes
3 Yes
4 thats fine
5 Yes
6 YES. In fact, I think this is neccisary and shoudl be stressed. Also, there shouldn't be rules about race, ability-level, etc. (And of course be open to men, women, and everyone else)
7 Yes.
8 Yes
9 Yes
10 YES
11 of course
12 Yes
13 Yes
14 Yes
15 Yes
16 No
17 Yes.
18 i'd totally be comfortable with that we are all survivors
19 Yes
20 yes, definitely
21 yes, however there should be seperate activities at times that focus on the differences in the experiences

8. How much could you afford to pay (if any)? How long would you like the retreat to be?

1 Cost? I could pay max $100 for 2 days. For longer, dunno
Length of time? ?a week? I wish more like a month. : P
2 Cost? I could afford no over 200$
Length of time? No more then 2 weeks.
3 Cost? ???
Length of time? weekend
4 Cost? no more than $200.
Length of time? up to a week
5 Cost? $150 US dollars
Length of time? A weekend.
6 Cost? I'm not sure. I don't have much money.
Length of time? three days to a month
7 Cost? up to $100
Length of time? Weekend
8 Cost? dunno
Length of time? week
9 Cost? £100 - £150
Length of time? 4 to 7 days
10 Cost? 50$ a day is what i could afford
Length of time? 3 days
11 Cost? max of $300 - $500
Length of time? Min. 1 week
12 Cost? $100
Length of time? 2 days
13 Cost? 50
Length of time? 3 days
14 Cost? 200.00
Length of time? 3 days
15 Cost? Less the $100
Length of time? 1-2 weeks
16 Cost? Can't afford anything.
Length of time? Two days.
17 Cost? depends on the retreat
Length of time? maybe a weekend or a week
18 Cost? not expensive
Length of time? week
19 Cost? i couldn't afford much more than $10-$20
Length of time? anywhere from a weekend to a week
20 Cost? should be cheap
Length of time? any length

21Cost? um, i can't afford it at all right now, mb 200?
Length of time? a week?

9.Would you be comfortable with survivors and therapists of both genders being treated/working in the same retreat?

1 Male survivors, probably. Male therapists, no!
2 Yes
3 not entirely
4 its ok
5 No
6 Which two genders are you refering to? Yes.
7 Yes.
8 yes
9 unsure - but probably not
10 sure
11 no, same gender please.
12 depends
13 No
14 no
15 yes
16 Me personally, yes. But some may prefer not
17 Survivors, yes. Therapists, no.
18 yes
19 yes as long as i got to specify which gendered therapist i wanted.
20 yes
21 no, sadly.
1yes, but i have not been violated by the opposite sex.


10.Thank you so much for participating in this survey! Take gentle care. Please see this page to view available sexual assault survivor retreats: Do you have any further suggestions for future survey questions? Comments?

1 ... So might this retreat actually happen? That rocks my world...
2 Awesome survey.
3 just so glad someone is trying to set one up ! Thank you for doing so !!
4 I think it's odd that you include the T in LGBTQ but then go on to say "both genders." It makes me, as a trans-person, feel... tagged-on/not respected.
5 You might wish to ask what topics survivors would be interested in having addressed.
6 nope
7 i think thisis a really great idea
8 maybe something about how to deal with a child when he/she is the product of the rape...when i was raped i got pregnant and i'm having problems with raising her...
