Hurricane Katrina emergency hotlines and assistance


En Espanol

Missing persons hotlines|Missing persons online sites |Government recovery and missing persons sites |How to help|How to get help|Evacuation routes|Weather forecasts|Counseling|Rape Crisis Information|Earthquake and tsunami west coast|PRINTABLE HOTLINES


Weather bug- download this free weather alert for your desktop


National Hurricane Center


National Weather Service- view a map of the US with weather alerts


Weather maps from CNN, satellite image of North America


Weather warnings by state


River flooding forecast site - NEW


Tsunami warnings for the USA


Tsunami history in the USA


Further information:Flood maps from FEMA


Build an online hazzard map from FEMA and ESRI (GIS)


Determine the flood threat in your area- not an emergency tool.

FloodThreat is a county level color map which indicates how much rain is required over any 3-hour period within the next 24 hours to cause flooding.

US Hazards Assessment

From CNN


Asteroids and Comets from NASA, news ,location of comets, space watch, asteroid data services, fact sheet



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Last updated 07/05/05 About.Contact

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