Comments on Perceptions


which site are you viewing? :
what are the major issues for you? : Of the photo essay? I was interested in seeing the expression of a destructive experience through photography, and I was very moved.
How do you think the images and text related? : I think they are necessary, as the images are abstract and for someone who hasnt had an experience with rape, it may be difficult to comprehend. Having been assaulted, the images were strangely personal to me.
Which is more powerful? : The photos.
would they be better alone? : No. The words are an important partner to the photos
which is your favorite? : The flower, Rape is the only crime. This is where the words are strong, and the photo softens the words, and seems to me to be the part of the woman that is attacked. I also like the use of the barren trees.
Is any part of it offensive? : Absolutly not.
Any suggestions? : I think its wonderful and inspiring. Its hard to critique, but I would suggest you continue to work and express in this way, as it is so potent.


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which site are you viewing? : Perceptions
what are the major issues for you? : sexual abuse, incest
How do you think the images and text related? : very well
Which is more powerful? : I think they both compliment each other greatly
would they be better alone? : no, I like them together
which is your favorite? : the picture of the flowers & this saying : Rape is the only crime in which the victim must prove their innocence. I find this Excellently Spoken ! **You should make posters or T-shirts with this phrase & pic**
Is any part of it offensive? : not at all. Thank you so much for doing this !
Any suggestions? : Not really. I just thank you for all that you have done to help us all.

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which site are you viewing? : Perceptions
what are the major issues for you? : sexual abuse, incest
How do you think the images and text related? : very well
Which is more powerful? : I think they both compliment each other greatly
would they be better alone? : no, I like them together
which is your favorite? : the picture of the flowers & this saying : Rape is the only crime in which the victim must prove their innocence. I find this Excellently Spoken ! **You should make posters or T-shirts with this phrase & pic**
Is any part of it offensive? : not at all. Thank you so much for doing this !
Any suggestions? : Not really. I just thank you for all that you have done to help us all.
which site are you viewing? : perceptions
what are the major issues for you? : rape; shame; victim-blame
How do you think the images and text related? : I think this piece would be stronger if the images were larger. That way, you wouldnt need the text which is just what is written in the images anyway.
Which is more powerful? : The images are very powerful; the text provides context and story.
would they be better alone? : I think if you had the pictures alone; and then the text together as a narrative that might be more effective.
which is your favorite? : the it was me image was very strong
Is any part of it offensive? : no


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Any suggestions? :
which site are you viewing? : Perceptions
what are the major issues for you? :
How do you think the images and text related? : Well
Which is more powerful? : Photos were beautiful!
would they be better alone? : No, they needed narrative
which is your favorite? :
Is any part of it offensive? : No
Any suggestions? : Thanks for testifying.
which site are you viewing? :
what are the major issues for you? : Of the photo essay? I was interested in seeing the expression of a destructive experience through photography, and I was very moved.
How do you think the images and text related? : I think they are necessary, as the images are abstract and for someone who hasnt had an experience with rape, it may be difficult to comprehend. Having been assaulted, the images were strangely personal to me.
Which is more powerful? : The photos.
would they be better alone? : No. The words are an important partner to the photos
which is your favorite? : The flower, Rape is the only crime. This is where the words are strong, and the photo softens the words, and seems to me to be the part of the woman that is attacked. I also like the use of the barren trees.
Is any part of it offensive? : Absolutly not.
Any suggestions? : I think its wonderful and inspiring. Its hard to critique, but I would suggest you continue to work and express in this way, as it is so potent.


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which site are you viewing? : Dibbell
what are the major issues for you? : I feel strongly that people communicating in cyber relationships feel it is as real as other relationships. Perception equals reality. It should not be judged by those that have not experienced what they are experiencing.
How do you think the images and text related? : The text gives you insight on the context of the picture.
Which is more powerful? : The combination is more powerful than either in isolation.
would they be better alone? : Not in my opinion.
which is your favorite? : The photo of the woman looking down. For her it appears that the cyber attack is real.
Is any part of it offensive? : No.
Any suggestions? :


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which site are you viewing? : Perceptions
what are the major issues for you? : to me the images convey a real sense of isolation and lonliness - like being cut off from the rest of ones mind and having only memory to rely on.
How do you think the images and text related? : they related well
Which is more powerful? : The images are very powerful, and in a great sequence.
would they be better alone? : maybe....i really like the hand-written slips of paper in the gives the images their own voice...hard to explain..while the typewritten words are more like a narration effect, at least for me. i believe the handwritten words more...
which is your favorite? : i really like the last image (with the shoe) is more unexpected than the others and to me, really punctuates the ending.
Is any part of it offensive? : no
Any suggestions? : have you ever considered working in film or video? i think these types of images and themes could be so powerful in that medium.

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which site are you viewing? : water running upwards
what are the major issues for you? : reversal of the expected phenomenon, be it social or physical.
How do you think the images and text related? : flaws and cruel biases in the justice system seem almost as certain as water cooperating with gravity. both the photo and the text push the mind to imagine a vastly different alternative.
Which is more powerful? : the image
would they be better alone? : the image would be visually interesting by itself, but have less meaning. the words would make sense by themselves but would be less effective at opening the viewers mind to alternate possibilities. so no, they are best together.
which is your favorite? : the large background water image.
Is any part of it offensive? : no


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Any suggestions? : I found the particular photo chosen to represent justice to be a little bland, documentary rather than artisitic, but maybe this contrast was intentional.
which site are you viewing? : healing beach glass
what are the major issues for you? : the effects of time and change over time, the conversion of the innitial nature of something into a different nature.
How do you think the images and text related? : water, plant life, and worn glass all show change over time and perfectly compliment a testimony about changes in ones self-perception and phase of healing/growth
Which is more powerful? : in this one i found the words more powerful
would they be better alone? : no
which is your favorite? : the picture of beach glass and other items piled together
Is any part of it offensive? : no
Any suggestions? :


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which site are you viewing? : photo essay #4
what are the major issues for you? : I noticed a theme of self-repression in response to social repression and fear of judgement. I think this is a powerful force and a major source of fear/lack of fulfillment in most peoples lives.
How do you think the images and text related? : most of the text went perfectly with the pictures, but the part about the shame of killing innocents didnt seem to fit with the themes of the other pictures/text.
Which is more powerful? : Again, the images were what affected me but only because I knew why they were chosen/what they were chosen to express.
would they be better alone? : I think the pictures could stand alone and still convey the theme, but i prefer them together.
which is your favorite? : the bricks, combined with the brick text. I liked how a few bricks were broken loose. were they non-conformists? were they kicked out of the stack? are they waiting to be added? cool.
Is any part of it offensive? : no
Any suggestions? : a separate essay dealing with the shame of killing innocents could be very powerful
which site are you viewing? : ptsd
what are the major issues for you? : i found it interesting that clouds have come to represent confusion and negative associations for the artist. Clouds do obscure and change perception of whatever else is present, but for most people they are high in the sky and dont overlap with relevant
How do you think the images and text related? : very well, especially the part with the stairs
Which is more powerful? : The images had a powerful effect on me, but I dont know if they would have without the text. Neither was more powerful than the other.
would they be better alone? : no
which is your favorite? : the stairs
Is any part of it offensive? : no
Any suggestions? :


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which site are you viewing? : dibbel discussion
what are the major issues for you? : the anonymity of cyberspace can be a blessing, but also causes suspicion about everyone you encounter over the internet.
How do you think the images and text related? : I did not see a strong connection between the text and some of the images, but the confusion picture was a very good visual representation of how confusion can feel.
Which is more powerful? : photos
would they be better alone? : i think some text complements them, but the text here does not explicitly imply what the photos are dealing with. this is not necessarily a bad thing if you want to leave considerable room for personal interpretation
which is your favorite? : the confusion photo
Is any part of it offensive? : no
Any suggestions? :

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which site are you viewing? : Drowning in the sky.
what are the major issues for you? : Confusion, disconnection, loneliness, the search for peace.
How do you think the images and text related? : Very well.
Which is more powerful? : The pictures are just so amazing, you have to really pay attention to notice the text. I did like the quote about bread crumbs--unexpected.
would they be better alone? : No.
which is your favorite? : The not knowing if youre going upstairs or down photo, although I like them all because every time you look at them you notice something different.
Is any part of it offensive? : No.


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Any suggestions? : I found the background distracting.
which site are you viewing? : Threat.
what are the major issues for you? : Homophobia and violence, secrecy, self expression, freedom.
How do you think the images and text related? : Very well.
Which is more powerful? : Cant decide.
would they be better alone? : No.
which is your favorite? : Weve got a brick with your name on it juxtaposed with the bricks is jarring, very effective. The last image is so sad.
Is any part of it offensive? : No. Intense but not offensive.
Any suggestions? :


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which site are you viewing? : MOO experience
what are the major issues for you? : Identity, self-expression, perception of self relating to others
How do you think the images and text related? : Very well in all cases.
Which is more powerful? : I think they need to be together to work.
would they be better alone? : No.
which is your favorite? : The tree against the sky. Very striking. I couldnt decide if it was two trees or one, which I thought fit well with the question of how much you identify with your character.
Is any part of it offensive? : No.
Any suggestions? : Again, I have bad eyesight, and the images are small. But I dont know if you can make them bigger.
which site are you viewing? : Perceptions
what are the major issues for you? : Speaking v. silence, truth v. beauty and how to reconcile the two in your life.
How do you think the images and text related? : I was puzzled by some of the pairings at first, but the more I looked at them the more I appreciated them.
Which is more powerful? : It depends on the particular pair. With the mask, I think the picture is, but I was also struck by the line about people not really thinking about what the encyclopedia says about rape more than the accompanying photo.
would they be better alone? : No.
which is your favorite? : The flowers.
Is any part of it offensive? : No.


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Any suggestions? : Perhaps larger images? I had a hard time seeing the details in some of them.
which site are you viewing? : Perceptions
what are the major issues for you? : dissociation from self seemed primary, also the idea that a set way of perceiving oneself, others or reality is an illusion.
How do you think the images and text related? : some related well, others only tangentially or not at all.
Which is more powerful? : they need each other, i think, to create the narrative you are trying to create.
would they be better alone? : nope
which is your favorite? : the mask is haunting
Is any part of it offensive? : no.
Any suggestions? : the last photos and lines seem disjointed and their meaning is unclear. also, it is not clear that the pictures are links, but i suppose people may click on them anyway, and adding more obvious info would detract from the look of the site.


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which site are you viewing? : Thanks for your responses. I thought i would explain the reference to beauty being in the eye of the beholder. I hadnt thought of it as being incongruous. Beauty refers to the flowers being thrown away.
what are the major issues for you? : Society often disposes of the very idea of rape victims by blaming them for the crime of which they are not guilty. At that point the victim is usually insulted, villainized (anita hill etc) which i feel is an attempt
How do you think the images and text related? : diminish the beauty inherent in life really. I also feel that the victims feel dirty and ashamed- which is also a denial of the beauty of life. I will post a rape website which i made for my pathfinder to show what i mean.
Which is more powerful? : Thanks for letting me know how you feel.
would they be better alone? : There is also the issue of silence. people dont seem to want to hear about it. victims feel like their complaining is the problem rather than the occurence of rape. I have read this in books etc. (the telling)
which is your favorite? : I feel this is another way of disposing of rape victims. Telling your story (on an anonymous message baord, in a book) is a step in the healing process. Its a step some people never get to.
Is any part of it offensive? : Thanks so much for reading all this. I guess i want people to be aware of the invisible part of the population so they can be helped instead of hurt.
Any suggestions? :


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which site are you viewing? : pereptions
what are the major issues for you? : Rape, the feeling associated with it, and coping with the after math, the reprocussions
How do you think the images and text related? : very well
Which is more powerful? : the beginning images are the most powerful, because I feel they could stand alone w/ out the text. the end images are powerful too, but more text dependent
would they be better alone? : no
which is your favorite? : the car phot is very beautiful, and the mask is disturbiing
Is any part of it offensive? : no, it is all wonderfull clear and succinct.
Any suggestions? :
which site are you viewing? : the photo essay
what are the major issues for you? : i had issues with the references of beauty in concurrence with rape. rape is a brutal crime, yet i dont quite understand why i guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder fits in with the subject matter.
How do you think the images and text related? : the text and image both very powerful integral parts of your photo essay. they each link u well, despite the discrepencies in the references to beauty and rape.
Which is more powerful? : the images are very powerful.
would they be better alone? : no
which is your favorite? : the shoe with text lain on it.
Is any part of it offensive? : no.


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Any suggestions? : i would choose perhaps to integrate a few more images if you are to keep the beauty is in the eye of the beholder image, since it doesnt quite flow right with the previous text and images. but otherwise its a very powerful topic that you have chosen to il
which site are you viewing? : perceptions
what are the major issues for you? : Im confused about this one
How do you think the images and text related? : They related well. Deeply disturbing actually. You may want to consider condensing the first two sentences. Instead of I was try walking to my car.... maybe? It may be more powerful. I dont feel a strong connection to the last picture and text.
Which is more powerful? : 2nd picture mask flowers
would they be better alone? : no, they support the text well
which is your favorite? : the mask and text DISTURB me. I feel suffocated actually. the flowers convey a deep sense of innocence and vulnerability. When put with the text I feel violation and profound sadness.
Is any part of it offensive? : no, the images support each other in a way that leaves me upset and uncomfortable
Any suggestions? : I think it could be stronger. play with some of the text and pictures. see what happens. excellent though Mushroom. your point is clear


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which site are you viewing? : Thanks for the comments. They really are helpful.


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which site are you viewing? : The MOO discussion site
what are the major issues for you? : identity and fuzzy boundaries
How do you think the images and text related? : well, and very much like the other site -- for full effectiveness, you need both.
Which is more powerful? : Images, but Im a pretty visual person
would they be better alone? : no
which is your favorite? : the one about gender -- crossing the line. There seems to be some tension in it, but I cant put my finger on it, so it has a mysterious quality
Is any part of it offensive? : no
Any suggestions? : no
which site are you viewing? : Perceptions
what are the major issues for you? : the victims confusion, uncertainty
How do you think the images and text related? : well. they compliment each other because images are powerful, but these are abstract enough that they need the words for clarification
Which is more powerful? : the images
would they be better alone? : no. see above
which is your favorite? : The flowers? I think thats what it was. The one with the text about the victim needing to prove her innocence.
Is any part of it offensive? : The it was me picture was a bit shocking
Any suggestions? : nope


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which site are you viewing? : I was walking up to my car... the entire page that was sent to me
what are the major issues for you? : the images are very interesting especially the one it was me
How do you think the images and text related? : I like the text with the white background. I wanted to enlarge the pictures but when i tried it went into a link that i did not recognize. I think that the typed text could be eliminated if it were set up as a slide show and the text was enlarged on the w
Which is more powerful? : the most compelling photo was it was me
would they be better alone? : perhaps
which is your favorite? : there are different ways of looking at reality
Is any part of it offensive? : no. but I did not really understand all of the text and what is was referring to specifically but maybe it does not need to be specific.
Any suggestions? : My suggestion would be to set up the images as a slide show but I of course would not have even been able to do what you have done so far. I think that it is a very creative and healthy way to deal with rape crisis.
which site are you viewing? : perceptions
what are the major issues for you? : the photos and tone of the words both seem to have to do with reflection -- the photos have a lot of literally reflected images, superimpositions, etc., while the text is reflecting upon experience.
How do you think the images and text related? : i think the words walk one through the story and thoughts of the narrators voice. the words tie the images together, providing context and flow.
Which is more powerful? : i think they are inseparable
would they be better alone? : no
which is your favorite? : i like the image of the tree.
Is any part of it offensive? : no
Any suggestions? : no

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which site are you viewing? : there is more than one site attached to this guest book (no you are not in the wrong place). The first two are perceptionae and dibbel. I will add more over the next week.
what are the major issues for you? : Feel free to discuss your point of view - be it on the subject matter or the presentation. I am interested in the nature of reality, how we all perceive things differently.
How do you think the images and text related? : just make comments
Which is more powerful? : i.e. the images or the text
would they be better alone? : ?
which is your favorite? : which ones work and which dont.
Is any part of it offensive? : I do not intend to offend. These are just my viewpoints. Feel free to disagree-Im not forcing anyone to share them. In fact i would rather communicate and find a sense of empathy than antagonize.
Any suggestions? : feed back. They need to be bigger and i am working on that. There are lots of details being lost. I will bring the origonals to class in book on thursday i think.

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i was walking up to my car... : This statement is particularly chilling when you know the context. It overwhelms the image.
something was inside. : This is another phrase that is particularly chilling in this context. It matches well with the image
it was me. : very shocking image. the simple phrase goes well, but the image is the strongest element. Its the most striking image on the page.
There are different ways of looking at reality : (At this point Im having trouble remembering the different images, but Ill try)
Sometimes i wonder what you see in me : the blurry photos of the... root? not that communicative
others i just like to look around. beautiful dirt. :
Rape is the only crime in which the victim must pr :
so i guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :
i was walking up to my car... : apprehension
something was inside. : more apprehension
it was me. : nice photo
There are different ways of looking at reality : true, perspective makes all of the difference.
Sometimes i wonder what you see in me :
others i just like to look around. beautiful dirt. : this sentence is a bit odd like it is missing a word or has an extra one.
Rape is the only crime in which the victim must pr :
so i guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. : Being a visual artist, I think the images are powerful enough on their own. Even more so thatn with the text. However, it depends on the aim of the project and the audience. Dana
i was walking up to my car... : These first three kinda of go together. This is a very fresh looking picture
something was inside. : Wow, great lighting.
it was me. : OHHHHH did you make that yourself?
There are different ways of looking at reality : What is that in the picture? I think I could see it better if it was enlarged.
Sometimes i wonder what you see in me : Again, Id like to see it bigger.
others i just like to look around. beautiful dirt. : Such a Margaret thing to say. =)
Rape is the only crime in which the victim must pr : I love this picture. It goes perfectly with the caption.
so i guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. : I really like this picture - is that your sneaker? It might be cool to have them a bit bigger.


The original comments are posted here on this site.

I moved them all to this page because someone is posting random spambot messages. You can still view all new and / or original comments here. If you have just posted I will update this page as soon as possible. Both will be viewable - I just thought it might be nice to read all the relevant ones on one page.