Sexual Assault and Rape

Presentation Resources


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  • Short films for RAINN and other rape crisis centers which include statistics and visuals.

  • Hire an educational speaker such as a member of Team Soar (ask for Kellie Green).
  • This includes a link to a streaming audio with advice on how to help a victim.

  • Presentation friendly short films are listed. The book on tape and the film "Speak" are quite powerful.

    In terms of music there is information on Tori Amos, Haullie Free and a link to a site which provides survivor friendly streaming music.

  • It's important to be as accurate as possible. The CDC, the FBI and RAINN are the most reliable resources in this area.

  • If you need to teach a whole class on this topic it might be good to take a look at what others have done. You will find resources from The Vagina Monologues, Planned Parenthood and others.

  • Sometimes it's very important to understand the past in order to unlock the key to future progress. The rape crisis movement was born with the feminist movement of the 1970's. You can find some information online at Groliers and there are several reference books you can find in your local library near the reference desk (with the encyclopedias). I have provided page numbers for most.

  • RAINN - A good resource to mention. Includes presentation resources.

    The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) is the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1.800.656.HOPE. RAINN also publicizes the hotline's free, confidential services; educates the public about sexual assault; and leads national efforts to improve services to victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice. This site is the most well known national rape crisis hotline available today. It was founded by Tori Amos and Scott Berkowitz. Local rape crisis centers can be found at this location. The information is reliable and scholarly.

Online resources

Websites to research


Journal articles

Do you need to do some research?

(Try the PsycInfo database. GenderWatch has more current events type articles.)



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autobiographies or books on healing.







Resources to research this subject:

Journals and articles

Search the NCJRS Abstracts Database

Google scholar or Findarticles

Finding books at the library

Online Libraries on sexual assault

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Search terms: rape crisis

Related links: Victim blame


Macdonalds, J. (2004). World Book Encyclopedia. United States of America: World Book Inc.

rape. (2006). Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 2, 2006, from Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

Smith, M. D. (2004). Encyclopedia of Rape. USA: Greenwood Press.

Sedney, M., "rape (crime)." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Scholastic Library Publishing, 2006 <> (February 1, 2006).



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Rape Crisis Information Pathfinder, UNC Chapel Hill, N.C.,