Rape Crisis Support Groups

Message Boards



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Telling your story with images- creative arts exercise

What kind of support might you find?

Please read "If you were my sister..."


These categories may help you decide which support group is right for your needs. You can always join several from each category and decide which is best for you.

Feminist~Faith based~General support~Specific types


Politically liberal message boards

thank you rainn

Pandora's Aquarium


Pandora's Aquarium. You can view the discussion forums (but only read wonderful threads and research) from the above link. This Message board is inspired by Tori Amos. It has several different forums for discussion including healing song lyrics. The discussions are very well organized and interesting. You will get responses more quickly at this board than some others. The members are for the most part very politically liberal. There are forums for lgbtq members, male survivors and partners of survivors.

Why join a support group?

"Others might have feared letting such troubles out of the box, but Pandora knew that when you keep a box closed, you also close off hope. She knew that hope lies in opening the box, in revealing the truth, in releasing the trauma. She was not afraid. She knew that girls are healed every time women's sexual trauma is let out of its box and released into the world."
-Invisible Girls: The Truth About Sexual Abuse, Dr. Patti Feuereisen


Rainbowhope or Rainbowhope newsletter


Message board for lesbian rape survivors. This board is very well organized and safety oriented. The theme is healing oriented. Archive, site, news



After Silence


A community designed to help survivors communicate in the recovery of rape, sexual abuse and domestic violence. It is also inspired by Tori Amos. It has alot of members which means you will get a response more quickly. This board has a forum for lgbt survivors.


Perfectly Still


'Perfectly Still' is a forum for SUPPORT of Survivors dealing with any form of Sexual Abuse as well as Aftermath issues. It is a Tori Amos inspired community which is well organized and nice look to at.


LGBTQ support groups, male survivors

Faith based recovery boards


Rape survivors


This is a message board associated with hope for healing. Hope for healing is a faith based resource. You can get a daily digest emailed to yourself. It is moderated by the founder of hope for healing. In this forum you can have posts sent to your email address automatically. I found the sequence of responses to be disorienting but it saves time and is convenient. You can choose not to have this option if you like.


Rape recovery 2


This is another message board associated with hope for healing. Hope for healing is a faith based resource. You can get a daily digest emailed to yourself. It is moderated by the founder of hope for healing. In this forum you can have posts sent to your email address automatically. I found the sequence of responses to be disorienting but it saves time and is convenient.

A hope for healing message board


A Christian message board associated with hope for healing.


I am a survivor


This is a faith based (Christian) support group for sex abuse survivors - with a forum for (former) sex workers.

General rape crisis support groups

Rape crisis and suicide support


Rape, crisis, stalking and suicide support. Have you or someone you know been raped or stalked or thought about suicide? Don't go it alone. Find help, support and friendship here. This is a supportive environment hosted by a women's health site. Members tend to be all ages, races and faiths. It is a good place to join if you are looking for a general support group for rape crisis.


Enchanted Forest


A Community for Survivors of Sexual Abuse. This board has a nice feel and great emoticons! Founded by a message board veteran I am sure you will find it a safe place to be.



Taking Back Control


A message board with lovely aesthetics, nice mood and optional themes including Fiona Apple. This forum has an lgbt sub forum.



Souls self help


This site also has a lot of good information presented in a cheerful way (lots of butterflies). Scroll down and subscribe to one of the email lists given.


Male survivor board


For more male survivor boards see the section on male survivors

Related message boards


Search this directory of self help support groups



Self injury support group


Talk with and get support from others who hurt themselves and also those who have loved ones who hurt themselves.


A Mind's Journey- online support group for DID


"A Mind's Journey" is a safe, supportive community where you can feel comfortable discussing personal issues related to dissociation.


Stigma - children conceived in rape or incest


A support group for individuals conceived in rape or incest. We also provide support to women who have been pregnant by assault or are raising rape or incest conceived children. For more information, please browse the links to the left, or email stigma@kc.rr.com.


Community of Hurricane Katrina Rape Survivors


This is a support group for sexual assault and rape survivors from Hurricane Katrina, Rita, Wilma or any other disaster.


Grrl Activistas


Grrl Activistas is a group for those interested in sexual violence. You can share:

Complaints about media and other organisations provide information about sexual-violence related campaigns of any kind discuss issues relating to sexual violence in the media details of local events such as V-Day events and survivor conferences details of new books, articles, and papers.


Psychological support groups- use the page numbers to scroll to the psychology section.





Rape crisis support group directory from As Waters Passing By

Rape support group directory


Sexual abuse chats and forums



Rape survivor support group directory


Support group directory






Resources to research this subject:

Journals and articles

Search the NCJRS Abstracts Database

Google scholar or Findarticles

Finding books at the library

Online Libraries on sexual assault

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Search terms: rape crisis

Related links: Victim blame


Macdonalds, J. (2004). World Book Encyclopedia. United States of America: World Book Inc.

rape. (2006). Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 2, 2006, from Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9376486

Smith, M. D. (2004). Encyclopedia of Rape. USA: Greenwood Press.

Sedney, M., "rape (crime)." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Scholastic Library Publishing, 2006 <http://gme.grolier.com> (February 1, 2006).



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Last updated 8/9/19 About.Contact

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Rape Crisis Information Pathfinder, UNC Chapel Hill, N.C., http://www.ibiblio.org/rcip/