Rape Survivor Retreat Survey 2006

Survivor preferences

This is the third annual survey on survivor retreats. This survey is a followup on the 2004 and 2005 surveys. The goal is to refine the needs of survivors and promote retreats internationally.

Survey questions (click on the text to view answers)

1. Have you ever been on a survivor retreat? If so do you feel it helped you and how?

2. Which type of secluded retreat location would be best for you out of the following?

3. Which type of secluded retreat location would be SECOND best for you out of the following?

4. Are there any locations you would feel very uncomfortable with?

5. Which issue do you feel is the most important to work on in a retreat setting?

6. Which issue is the SECOND most important to work on in a retreat setting?

7. What type of treatment do you think would be most effective in a retreat setting?

8. If survivors were to be treated based on levels of healing (how far along in healing they are) how would you suggest combining or handling those different needs? (This question refers to survivors who have been recently assaulted v/s those who have been in advanced stages of healing for months or years.)

9. The last survey found that most people would like a choice of 2-3 activities at any given time. What are 2 options that you would always like available each day? (such as relaxing, therapy, art, group therapy, nature activities, fun activities)

10. Do you know what DID (dissociative identity disorder) is? Do you feel a special group for inner child work is needed?

11. Thank you so much for participating in this survey! Take gentle care. Please see this page to view available sexual assault survivor retreats: http://www.ibiblio.org/rcip//retreats.html Do you have any questions or comments? Do you have any suggestions for a followup survey?



1. Have you ever been on a survivor retreat? If so do you feel it helped you and how?

# Response
1 No
2 No
3 no
4 Nope.
5 never been
6 unfortunately I haven't but I would really love to go to one
7 No
8 never been
9 No, I have never been
10 no
11 Never been on a survivor retreat.
12 no
13 Never been
14 No - would like to
15 I have been to "groups" but not retreats. Not feeling so alone.
16 No never been on a survior retreat
17 nope
18 No
19 Never been on one but I would love to go to one
20 no
21 Yes..I have been to SOAR SPA in Orlando. It was very very hard to attend, and scary at the same time. I actually learned a ton of info, and met the most wonderful Therapist.
22 no
23 No

2. Which type of secluded retreat location would be best for you out of the following?

A spa setting 3 12%
Tropical setting   0 0%
Close-to-nature type of setting like a cabin in the wood 6 25%
On the seashore/coast 7 29%
Near a lake or river 5 21%
In a cozy hotel 2 8%
Other 1 4%
Total 24 100%

3. Which type of secluded retreat location would be SECOND best for you out of the following?

A spa setting 2 8%
Tropical setting   0 0%
Close-to-nature type of setting like a cabin in the woods 7 29%
On the seashore/coast 1 4%
Near a lake or river 11 46%
In a cozy hotel 3 12%
Other, please specify   0 0%
Total 24 100%

4. Are there any locations you would feel very uncomfortable with?

# Response
1 Cape Cod, MA
2 Close to woods
3 city
4 Somewhere very public.
5 n/a
6 in the city... I'd rather get away
7 Hotel
8 noisy/busy
9 An enclosed dark area, heavy woodland
10 none
11 A busy, hectic city centre
12 An place where there are other groups who might wonder who we are or what we're doing there - privacy and seclusion from the outside world is important to me! All of the above places seem very awesome.
13 Spa
14 Big city, like Vegas
15 public place too small rooms
16 Not sure
17 Chaotic ones, with loud noises, bright lights, and/or a lot of people.

Expensive ones.

Dirty, smelly places; polluted places.

Places that make it clear that they cater primarily to women and girls.
18 The beach...I was assualted at the Jersey shore
19 somewhere without extra and visible/known security.
20 In a busy city..
21 beach, unless it was private. it should be totally away from others, given so many different triggers.
22 small locations. small rooms etc




5. Which issue do you feel is the most important to work on in a retreat setting?

Self blame and shame issues 4 17%
Learn how to have fun 2 8%
Relaxation   0 0%
Body image   0 0%
Inner child work 2 8%
Dealing with triggers 3 12%
Intimacy 1 4%
Learn to trust people again 10 42%
Other, please specifyView Responses 2 8%
Total 24 100%

6. Which issue is the SECOND most important to work on in a retreat setting?

Self blame and shame issues 2 8%
Learn how to have fun 4 17%
Relaxation 4 17%
Body image 4 17%
Inner child work 2 8%
Dealing with triggers 2 8%
Intimacy 3 12%
Learn to trust people again 3 12%
Other, please specify   0 0%
Total 24 100%

7. What type of treatment do you think would be most effective in a retreat setting?

Animal therapy (like dolphins, horses, dogs, cats) 3 12%
Art therapy 3 12%
Outdoor recreation 1 4%
Support groups / peer support 16 67%
Other, please specifyView Responses 1 4%
Total 24 100%

8. If survivors were to be treated based on levels of healing (how far along in healing they are) how would you suggest combining or handling those different needs? (This question refers to survivors who have been recently assaulted v/s those who have been in advanced stages of healing for months or years.)

# Response
1 Different retreat dates for different levels of healing.
2 Maybe different activities for different levels. starting slowly for recent survivors. Or asking how the individual feels.
3 Tricky.
More recent survivors are more likely to need rl-related advice. Maybe having an individual counselor available would be good?
4 i've been recently assaulted
5 I don't know, I'm sorry. can't help you on that.
6 I'm not really sure
7 Have a relaxed atmosphere with some guidance and activities in which survivors can participate if they want, different group work can be used for different stages
8 everyone has different needs regardless of the time frame, each individual should be treated as an individual and everyone would respect this. In support groups or individual therapy.
9 I think they could be integrated well enough. I don't see a problem with combining the different needs with us all being survivors.
10 I suppose by having different topics/small groups based on those levels. I don't know how you would determine these groups - probably by a survey or interview, but I think having making sure that, while everyone has the opportunity to interact with different groups, it is important that people can get the help they need where they're at.
11 Separate groups for some thing, combine for others.
12 Give the long term survivors the opportunity (if they choose to) to mentor those who have been recently assaulted
13 Not sure. Acknowledge it. Different workshops

14 CSA separate, at least at times, from adult abuse
15 There should be at least some groups where they all talk, so that the people who are in the beginning of all this see that hope and healing are possible. It should be stressed that no one's pain is less valid than another's.
16 Maybe have the "older" survivors help the "younger" survivors, like, suggest things that got them through the immediate aftermath?
17 have options for people to be together or separate. like some for beginning healing and further along. but also for those who would want to be joined with both.
18 maybe when meeting for small group activites, you can divide them up by crisis, still not having a hard time accepting they were NOT at fault..and so on
19 how would that even be determined? certainly not by amount of time? i think just set up several different groups (possibly by age, or type of assault : marital, same sex, incest, stranger, aquaintance) and let the survivor choose.
20 maybe get those who are further healed o help those who are beginners
View 20 Responses

9. The last survey found that most people would like a choice of 2-3 activities at any given time. What are 2 options that you would always like available each day? (such as relaxing, therapy, art, group therapy, nature activities, fun activities)

# Response
1 Fun activities
One on one therapy
2 therapy
fun activities
3 Art, group therapy
4 Relaxation/meditation,
5 fun, individual
6 therapy/nature activities
7 Art therapy and group therapy
8 relaxation, group
9 Group work would be good, and there should always be some sort of fun activity going on
10 group therapy, relaxing therapy and art therapy
11 Group therapy and fun activities
12 therapy and relaxing
13 Groups, fun
14 Group therapy and nature activities, like walking, hiking, swimmimg
15 art and fun activities.
16 nature activities, art
17 grou therapy, art therapy
18 Alone time, and a safe place to talk/connect, be it animal therapy, groups, or individual therapy.
19 group therapy and nature activites
20 group therapy, art
21 group, and art
22 relaxation/meditation, group therapy or therapy
23 art therapy
nature activities
24 group therapy, sports activities

10. Do you know what DID (dissociative identity disorder) is? Do you feel a special group for inner child work is needed?

# Response
1 Yes I feel that would help.
2 Yes
3 no
4 Yes, not sure.
5 yes
6 I don't know what it is
7 Yes, yes
8 no
9 No, I don't know what it is
10 not sure what it is
11 I have some understanding of what DID is. I'm not sure about the special group. I suppose its all about integration.
12 I don't really know what it is, but being an abused child myself, I would like to learn more about it.
13 Yes
14 I am dx'ed as DID. I see a need for inner child work everyday.
15 Yes I know. Maybe an art work group?
16 yes for those who feel they need the inner child work
17 yes
18 I know what it is but do not have it myself. I would still benifit from inner child work.
19 Yes-i think if there are enough survivors that need it, it should be available for them to make them more comfortable
20 not familiar with it personally, but from what i know of others, it would be helpful for those who need it
21 Yes I know what DID is...I think it would be very helpful to have a special group!
22 yes, and yes, since it's so common, there should be a therapist well-versed in this.
23 yes
24 dont know what it is



11. Thank you so much for participating in this survey! Take gentle care. Please see this page to view available sexual assault survivor retreats: http://www.ibiblio.org/rcip//retreats.html Do you have any questions or comments? Do you have any suggestions for a followup survey?

# Response
1 n/a
2 Which country would this retreat be in?
3 Being able to anwser with two or more selections
4 no
5 I would want to work on more than just the two issues I selected. Also, I think that a mix of therapies would be better than just the one option I selected.