
Re: you people drive CRAZY!

In article <4271us$1n7@access1.digex.net>, katzen@access1.digex.net (Kat
Bohnet) wrote:

> In article <424qco$q4t@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>,
> Paul S. Wolf <aa854@cleveland.Freenet.Edu> wrote:
> >
> >In a previous article, pam.jadwick@jhuapl.edu (Pam Jadwick) says:
> >
> >>Since I've been in Maryland, I've seen several drivers
> >>turn LEFT on red -- and not in the case of two ONE-WAY
> >>streets intersecting.  I don't recall reading that in
> >>the driver's handbook.  Is it legal?  Is it custom?  What's
> >>the deal?


> >NO its simply Illegal.
> >
> Reminds me of the time I was sitting at a red light at a shopping center
> on the Rockville Pike. (perpendicular to the Pike) A woman pulls up next
> to me and then proceeds to make a left hand turn onto to the Pike. In the
> middle of the red light...not at the beginning or end of the cycle. My 
> mother, who is used to rural Washington state driving, nearly came 
> unglued...

Don't blame her. That's *completely* irrational, unsafe, illegal, etc. But
then, such considerations don't normally stop people from doing what they
do; why should driving be any exception? Left turn on red is{oughtta be}
legal WHEN BOTH STREETS ARE ONE-WAY, because that is topologically
equivalent to right on red.

> "In nature, there are neither rewards nor punishments --
> there are consequences." -- "Some Reasons Why" Robert [Green] Ingersoll

Also Godley & Creme :-)

Chris                                 jchill@gueuze.dgsys.com
What would happen if I pulled the plug on the Reality Engine?

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