
Re: you people drive CRAZY!

Joshua Lurie-Turrell (luriete@ccshp1.ccs.csus.edu) wrote:
>> I spent the last week and a half in DC, having a mostly fantastic time 
>> (your museums are easily the best in the country - I spent hours in the 
>> Corcoran, Hirshorn, National, Phillips, etc), but noticed that there are 
>> a very large number of dangerously insane drivers out there - i saw more 
>> people run red lights in the dupont circle area (i was staying at the 
>> hilton on connecticut, up the hill from dupont circ) and throughout the 
>> NW streets... than I ever have in any other city anywhere - incl NYC!

>> EAch red light must have had at least 2 people run it, and yellow seems 
>> to mean "speed up" not slow down out there. Crazy, boss.

I lived in DC (Adams-Morgan) between 1982-1986. During that time my
driving style became increasingly 'aggressive'. I rationalized this
behavior via my perception that the traffic lights were not "timed"
at all, and their switching cycles always seemed way too long. I
may have been in error; my point is the DC traffic environment creates
a lot of driver frustration. Other problems include a large percentage
of inept drivers, lousy road surfaces and inadeqaute signage.

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