
Re: you people drive CRAZY!

luriete@ccshp1.ccs.csus.edu (Joshua Lurie-Turrell) wrote:
>I spent the last week and a half in DC, having a mostly fantastic time 
>(your museums are easily the best in the country - I spent hours in the 
>Corcoran, Hirshorn, National, Phillips, etc), but noticed that there are 
>a very large number of dangerously insane drivers out there - i saw more 
>people run red lights in the dupont circle area (i was staying at the 
>hilton on connecticut, up the hill from dupont circ) and throughout the 
>NW streets... than I ever have in any other city anywhere - incl NYC!
>EAch red light must have had at least 2 people run it, and yellow seems 
>to mean "speed up" not slow down out there. Crazy, boss.

I have been in DC for 16 years now after moving here from NYC.  I see two 
problems here in DC. 

     1)  The road test for driving licences in DC is a joke. (speaking 
         from personal experience, of course);

     2)  DC has the longest yellow lights in creation therefore making 
         people think that they have time to get through the intersection 
         before the light changes red.  And more often than not you do.

Phyllis Wilder

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