
Re: Question for a Driving Teacher

In article <42897j$np@news-e1a.megaweb.com>, kennystar@megaweb.com (KENNY MORSE) says:
>In article <4280lj$7ns@news1.deltanet.com> Alexander Lygin 
>>Common sense suggests to keep with traffic in two lane
>> highway, not slower, not faster.
>>If you go slower, you will make many people to pass you
>> creating hussle around you. You also
>>will be first one who will attract cop's attention. You will
>> suggest him that you are afraid of 
>>such "high" speed and you are unable to handle your car.  Do
>> you need it?
>>My advice would be to keep exactly with traffic flow and
>> keep 3 sec. distance . Musch safer in any 
>>       Alexander.
>I would have said that too in a perfect world, but 
>unfortuately, the people who are all speeding force people who 
>WANT to travel at a legal speed, to break the law.  You want 
>everyone to pass you, and THEY are the ones who will get 
>singled out by the police.
>Alex, I understand the safety argument you are making, and 
>this is where you MUST balance safety with prudence.  I have 
>been driving at a rate no faster than 62 on our California 
>freeways (where the flow is at least 65-70) and have had NO 
>problem with safety, or tickets!
>On a 4 lane road, two in each direction, my advice stands.

Then the best advice would be "don't drive at all". I think that there are two
kind of laws: paper and real. Since you live in real word it is wiser to follow 
what reality suggests. If you want to drive safely, don't create hussle around you.
I have never heard of a person who got ticket for keeping with traffic flow at 70 mph.
If flow goes at 60 and you drive at 70, you may be ticketed. But if flow goes at 70,
I guess cops either should give tickets to everyone or to those people who drives faster.
Have you heard about ticket for 70 mph when all the rest traffic goes at 70?


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