
Re: Speed limit repeal moving forward!

In article <42o258$qh3@news.voicenet.com>, (Daytona) said:
>>The speed limit repeal is now a part of the National Highway System Act! 
>>The House subcommittee on surface transportation voted this morning and 
>>we carried the day, 26-9.
>repealing the speed limit is the desire of babbling retards. 
>this provision is a joke. 55mph sucks, but no limits at all is

You obviously are speaking from a position of ignorance. The repeal that
was spoken of is a repeal of the statutory National Maximum Speed Limit,
which is to say, the law that says if states set a limit of more than 55
mph, they lose federal highway funds.

Repealing this (much hated) law will allow states to set speed limits that
their own legislature or traffic engineers feel are appropriate. It will
not suddenly remove speed limits from highways. Most highways that are 55
or 65 limited now will probably stay that way for a while. Some states,
such as midwestern and desert states, will probably raise the limits or
even selectively remove them fairly quickly. Others, such as northeastern
states, will probably not change them without a lot of resistance from the

The next step on the part of the NMA is to either get their Fair Speed Limit
Act written into federal law, or to work in the individual states to get
them to change their speed limit policies to use the 85th percentile rule.

Michael Johnson
