
DRLs: reduced-brightness low beams

For those of you who have not seen DRLs before, and would like to contribute
to the long threads about DRLs, here is the difference between DRL and 
regular low beams.


Simply turning on your regular low beams during daytime is not considered
DRL. Full intensity low beams are too bright under normal daylight. DRL
should be dimmer and should not cause unnecessary distraction.

OTOH, DRL is no substitute for regular headlight at night. If only DRL is
on, interior instrumentation illumination is not on. Also the tail lights
are not on.

Before you contribute to the DRL threads, please be better informed.

Isaac Wong                | Protel Compiler Group
iwong@chat.carleton.ca    | Bell-Northern Research Ltd., Ottawa
cm644@freenet.carleton.ca | Dept. of Systems and Computer Engineering
TEL: (613) 763-6127       | Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
