
Speed Limit Repeal action

It seems that some people in Congress are shaking in their seats over the 
idea of letting states set speed limits (something they've done from the 
dawn of the automobile age until '74).  Representative Nick Rahall (D-WV) 
is planning on introducing 13 amendments so that the feds can still claim 
control of the states.  He will introduce one amendment to let states set 
speed limits on -all- roads (not just interstates) to 65, if that doesn't 
pass, he'll introduce another for 75, if that doesn't pass, he'll 
introduce one for 85, if that....and so on up to 165 mph.  (No, I'm not 
making this up!)

We at the NMA oppose any and all of these amendments; they're nothing 
more than a half-baked attempt at having the feds retain some control 
over speed limits.  (the present 65 is a good example of that, although 
it was the best we could get (politically-speaking) back in '87)

The National Highway System Act will be voted on late Wednesday or 
anytime on Thursday.  They can still make amendments to alter or undo the 
repeal.  Keep calling your reps, letters are no longer acceptable due to 
the time lag.  

National Motorists Association      	Join the NMA!
nma@genie.geis.com                  	$29 a year.
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