
Re: TOP SPEED? (was: cruising at 100 mph)

Bob Brown <tsi@cybernetics.net> writes:

>I consider myself as somebody who knows about cars but there's something 
>I will never understand: Why do we all worry about top speed and all that 
>stuff if the speed limit in the states is 65 mph? Is it just because we 
>like to know this kind of stuff? I mean, what if the top speed is 120 mph 
>or 240 or 360 mph, the fastest we can get away on a public road is (if 
>you don't get caught) 75 maybe? 85 pushing your luck...
>Please, comments are welcome.

i don't know about you but the speed limit means nothing to me.  I go
as fast as I can based on conditions.  85-95 on clear sunny days, 75
in light rain and 55-65 in heavy rain.  In my limited travel in the
states I've only seen two state troopers the whole time, both of them
had someone on the side of the road with them.

Eric Bin
