
Re: Automotive Stereotypes - common sightings

hondaman@engsoc.carleton.ca (Dan Anderson) wrote:

>Common sightings:

>A rusty Datsun
>A Caprice with no hubcaps
>A Talon in the fast lane
>A Civic covered in stickers
>A Lincoln Town Car with a cap collection in the back window
>An abandoned Chevette
>A Caravan with luggage on the roof
>A tailgating Camaro
>A white or green Taurus
>A Reliant "in the shop"
>A Suburban at the fuel pumps

>Feel free to add!

   How about...

A VW Cabrio containing four blonde sorority girls
A late-model Caprice well under the speed limit, usually in the fast lane
A pickup truck with a bug deflector containing a phrase about the driver
   ("Good Ol' Boy's Toy," "Mountain Thunder," "Brooklyn Redneck," etc.)

Check six,
Lewis "Moose" Gregory   }:-)      | "Even random violence feels boring today."
lgregory@cris.com                 |              -- Vivian, "The Young Ones"
CIS:  76460,616                   | "See It, Hate It, Hunt It, Kill It."               
Amateur Radio:  KS4RY             |              -- Mark "DoKtor GonZo" Miller
  Air Warrior:  #6340, 313th Fighter Squadron, 94th CG:  THE FLYING SQUIRRELS
NOW OPEN!!!..the Moose's Den, under construction: http://www.cris.com/~lgregory
                 Barney must die...all else is irrelevant.
