
Re: Why it's set at 55 m.p.h...

Steven Rezsutek (steve@baloo.gsfc.nasa.gov) wrote:
: geraghty@clark.net (P.J. Geraghty) writes:

: ***
: This is in no way meant to be a personal attack or a flame.  Your post
: does, however, seem to capture all too well the attitude of a large number
: of area "vehicle operators" ["driver" gives too much credit to some], an
: attitude I've seen displayed on this group time and time again.

Well, this being a newsgroup about DRIVING...it might be expected to be a 
little bit biased in favor of DRIVERS...

: Being a resident of a neighborhood, I am slightly offended at the
: implication that I need to be "appeased", as if the existance of my
: street were primarily for someone else's benefit, and that anything done
: toward that end [e.g. setting a speed limit] is catagorically "absurd".

You do not mention where you live (perhaps for good reason).  I mentioned 
in my originial post several areas with absurdly low speed limits.  Do you 
live in one of them?

: I make an effort to show some courtesy and respect [words which in car
: speak seem to mean "succumbing to intimidation" more than anything else]
: to the people in whose neighborhoods I drive through precisely because I
: expect them to do the same.  Given that quite a few don't, though, I can
: only assume that the majority of people who complain about neighborhood
: curbs on traffic never notice the traffic in their own neighborhood
: because they are always in somebody else's.

Actually, right now I live near Rt. 29 (fast) and Rt. 650 (very fast).  
The traffic noise is such that often I cannot keep my windows open during 
the day.  (Luckily, I work most days so this isn't a problem, but once in 
a while, I'm home trying to sleep).   I accept this becaue I moved in 
here knowing these roads were heavily- and quickly-traveled.

: If people would remember one simple fact, life would be a lot less
: aggrivating.  This simple principle is:

:    ``The act of planting one's ass behind the wheel of a vehicle in
:      no way obligates the rest of the world to bend over and kiss it.''

: Sorry for ranting.  

Well, that would solve a very small percentage of the world's problems.

BTW..."Aggravating" is the proper spelling.

: Steve

I stand by my original post:  The speed limits in some area are set much 
too low, and this is done primarily to appease people living on those 
streets who are not willing to accept the fact that they live on a major 
road.  As I said before, Ceder Lane, Kensington Parkway and Huntington 
Parkway (all in Montgomery Co.) are perfect examples.  People who don't 
like the traffic patterns in their neighborhoods are free to move; that's 
exactly what I'm doing next weekend (albeit for different reasons).

______________________________________ ____________________________________
P.J. Geraghty, FF3/NR/MDEMT-P         |
11235 Oak Leaf Dr. #1604              |
Silver Spring, MD 20901   (SnailMail) |    "In heaven there is no beer
(703) 641-0100    (work/24 hour page) |    So leave your kidneys here"
(703) 641-0211                  (Fax) |
 Recycle yourself...Be an Organ Donor |On January 17, 1994, a seat belt 
     Ask me for more information      |saved my life. Please wear *your* seat
--------------------------------------|belt, or you might meet *me* in one of 
geraghty@clark.net            (email) |either of my professional capacities! 

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