
Re: Why it's set at 55 m.p.h...

On 4 Apr 1995, Matthew Russotto wrote:

> A misleading comparison (even if it were backed up), as it assumes that all
> accidents are speed related.  In fact, well under 20% of them are
> speed-related, according to my World Almanac (based on National Safety
> Council figures)
Ah, it may well be that fewer than 20% of accidents are *caused*by* 
speed, but over 60MPH the chances of the word "accident" requiring that 
dreaded modifier, "fatal" rise very sharply.


               Life is complex:  part real, part imaginary. 
     GB/CM$ d++(*) H s+:+ g+ p?+ w+ a v+++ C+++ N+ K-- U--- W+(++) M--
        V-- -po+ Y+(++) !tv b+++ B-- e h---- u+/* y++++ r+++ n--- f
                               Hamavin yavin.
