
Re: Why it's set at 55 m.p.h...

In Article <3lq2ph$hnk@clarknet.clark.net>, thonhazz@clark.net (Jonathan
Hazzard) wrote:

>   The state and the legislature, believe it or not, actually are 
>concerned about highway safety. It costs far more money to clean people 
>off the road after an accident than is gained in ticket revenue.

    Wouldn't improved driver training, meaningful proficiency testing, and
periodic driver reciertification do a far better job that attempting to
solve all safety problems throught the manipulation of one variable?

    Oh, and how about improved roadway design. On ramps leading to a stopsign
with no acceleration lane seem more dangerous than an upper speed limit of,
say, 70 mph on a flat straight 4 lane didvided highway IMHO. No one is _forced_
to drive at the speed limit, it is a limit, not a mandatory speed. Everyone
_is forced_ to merge into traffic at highway speed from a dead stop with no
acceleration lane at these on ramps, however. There are other examples, but you
take my point.

        -- Joe
