
Re: Cops Tailgating!

Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 21:40:00 GMT
Lines: 51

In article <D6F968.7qF@eskimo.com>, <drising@eskimo.com> writes:
> Newsgroups: rec.autos.driving
> Path: sybase!halon!uunet!in1.uu.net!eskimo!usenet
> From: drising@eskimo.com (David Rising)
> Subject: Re: Cops Tailgating!
> X-Nntp-Posting-Host: tia1.eskimo.com
> Message-ID: <D6F968.7qF@eskimo.com>
> Sender: usenet@eskimo.com (News User Id)
> Organization: Eskimo North (206) For-Ever
> X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.93.14
> References: <9503290107083966@solar.org> <3lhccq$ht4@bigboote.WPI.EDU>
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Date: Sun, 2 Apr 1995 19:08:32 GMT
> Lines: 11
> In article <3lhccq$ht4@bigboote.WPI.EDU>, albatros@wpi.edu says...
> >I got a ticket from an unmarked MA State Police Van four years ago...
> >I was in the left lane when out of nowhere this giant van came up behind me..
> >He had to have been less than 10 feet away.....
> >I didn't see the lights so I sped up...for fear of my life...
> You couldn't have changed to a different lane?  If he was trying to trap you, he 
wouldn't have been 
> able to if you hadn't sped up.  Until the patrol car/van puts on the lights, you don't 
have to 
> yield to it (although a lot of people do.)  Only after the lights go on are you 
required to yield 
> right (at least here in WA.)

I had a similar experience from a MASS State Police Van-though no ticket-just an 
obvious moron behind the wheel.  One evening, I was moving in the outside lane at about 
70MPH, with the other traffic in that lane.  All of a sudden, this big van, which I had 
noticed approaching me, is riding right on my bumper!  I think 3-4 ft is likely!  I 
eased off the gas so to create a larger gap between me and the car in front of me (If I 
had needed to use my brakes suddenly, this idiot would have drove right over me!)

I flipped my hand up to tell the tailgater to fall back-surprise-he flashed his lights 
and his blues, and sounded his siren.  I pulled into the next lane to allow him to pass 
and watched as the idiot climbed up on each and ever car in the line just as he did to 
me.  Driving that close in a sports car with decent brakes and control is bad enough.  
Doing it in a van, with considerably LOWER braking capability, and the handling 
charecteristics of an out house, is just plain stupid!

At the risk of being flamed, I think that the Mass. State police leave a lot to be 
desired when it comes to professionalism, and ensuring the public safety.  This is not 
the first time that I have witnessed this type of arrogant disregard for public safety.

Oh-and before I have to explain further-the knothead in the van was NOT on the way to an 
emergency.  He got off the highway in front of me, and pulled into a McDonalds!
