
Re: Cops Tailgating!

Joe Francis  writes:
> I've never seen a police car pull anyone but the leader over, ever,
> in over 200,000 miles of driving.  (This is assuming a speed trap
> scenario - police cars approaching from behind are obviously a different
> story.  Those cases are easily spotted in advance, however.)

I have.  About 6-7 years ago on the Jersey Turnpike, they were
doing overpass construction and used a cop to slow everyone
from miles away down to 30, with him leading the accumulating
pack while they swung a girder across the road.  Then, when the
road was clear ahead he pulled off, and a Mercedes took off at
about 80, so I followewd in my super duper Datsun 310GX.

Anyway we're going 80 plus, and me and all my 18 year old
exuberance decides to go ahead of this guy.  Not more than 5
min later I get "insant on"ed coming through an underpass (I
did have a detector) and the trooper pulls me over.  But he
pulls in ahead of me, and says on the speaker to follow him.
He then catches up to the Mercedes and pulls him over.  He
gives us both tickets, but he gives *me* the benefit of the
doubt, saying the Mercedes prbably had radar (I stashed mine
during all this) and got the benefit of advance notice when he
shot me.  So he drops me to 77mph.  

Not the greatest day, but funny to watch the fat cat get 
nailed after I was the stupid one.

Eric E.
