
Re: BURN THAT COP? (was Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live , Without Them)

In article <3o3fah$32n@ionews.io.org> mdfreed@io.org (Mark Freedman) writes:
$1.  Driver examination. I certainly don't have the training or reflexes to
$drive at 160kph. Some days, I barely manage to parallel park without
$totalling my car :-)/2   (I "ground" myself if I'm feeling REALLY ill. It
$just isn't worth the risk).

   I don't believe my "road" test (not on real roads, mind you)
took me above 40 km/h, and there are very little if any other traffic
on the fake road to distract or threaten me.  From this, they
concluded that I was capable of driving at 100 km/h on a road with
a variety of other traffic around me, doing a variety of other speeds,
and many of the drivers doing stupid things.  In fact, they rated
my ability at 96% of perfection.

   Of course, now that I have several years and a heck of a lot of
kilometers of driving experience in a variety of weather and
traffic conditions, I'd probably score lower on the test.

   We _definitely_ need these silly testing procedures fixed.
Also, they tested me at age 16.  I don't believe I have to take
another test for another fifty or sixty years unless I give them
reason to require it.  I guess they consider that it's not possible
to pick up bad habits or have differing skills over one's lifetime.
steved@united.UUCP                         ...!{xrtll,gts.org}!united!steved
Stephen M. Dunn, CNE, ACE, Sr. Systems Analyst, United System Solutions Inc.
104 Carnforth Road, Toronto, ON, Canada M4A 2K7          (416) 750-7946 x251

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