
This morn in Mont Co

This morning seemed like the beginning of the end of the world. On my
way East on Randolph Road towards New Hampshire Avenue, two of the 
three west-bound lanes were closed off because of what seemed to be a
bad school bus accident. The bus was up over the median with its entire
front end hanging off to the side. I hope there were no kids involved--
I drove by the incident at 8:35am. 

Then, after turning south onto New Hampshire I found myself behind 
4 motorcycle cops riding paired-- 2 x 2. I found this unusual, but 
when traffic came to a halt I realized something must have happened up
ahead. Sure enough there were half a dozen police cars just north of the
Route 29 interchange. Along the way, I saw police stationed about every
hundred yards all the way up to Adelphi Road, where I turned left. Besides,
the whole area was crawling with police from Mont Co, the state and from 
PG County. Does anyone know what was going on? 

All of this, of course, after having almost been hit by a drunk driver
last night on Bel Pre Rd. He made a "turn" onto west-bround Bel Pre from
the shopping center (at Layhill & Bel Pre). Unfortunately he didn't bother
yielding to traffic, then proceeded to weave his way to Georgia Ave where 
he ran the red light (major intersection here), and continued west.  I 
called the police at this point- hope they caught him before he killed 
himself, or someone else. 

-Alex Chernyakov. 
