
Re: Senate committee approves repeal of 65 mph limit

jpmork@primenet.com (Jim Mork) wrote:
>Not a good thing if your a states-rightist?  Build your own highways and 

>thumb your nose at Washington.  I'm not a rightist, but somehow it seems 

>to me this ought to be what they'd want to do.

Interestingly enough the writers of the constitution were states-
and no-one has ever bothered ammending the relevant sections of
the constitution.

The increase in federal powers has been accomplished through 
legislative and legal sleight-of-hand moves.  Two major techniques
have been used:  

1)  Call everything the regulation of interstate
commerce.   This has been broadly interpreted to allow the federal
gov't to ensure a "level playing field" in commercial competition
by applying the same costly regulations to everyone everywhere.

2)  Take everyone's money, then apply special conditions for
the state and local government's to get some of it back.  Remember,
all federal tax payers could just as well be paying those taxes
to state and local authorities directly.  The speed limit laws have
used this trick.  The problem is that no state can easily afford to
give up getting it's money back.  After all, the money was collected
in the states in the first place!

Did you notice that the recent Supreme Court decision on the guns
near schools law struck down the law on the basis of their
being no federal jurisdiction under which that law could possibly
be enacted?   I'm not for guns in our schools, but I do agree that
such laws and regulations are a local matter best kept out of 

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