
Caught Speeding!

I was stopped for speeding for the first time yesterday.  I'm usually
very careful when I speed to make sure that there are no cops but I
guess my luck ran out.

Anyway, I was driving down this twisty deserted road in San Marino at
1am.  San Marino is a very exclusive neighborhood, and that road was
beautiful - all curves, but very wide and flat and I could see very
far ahead.  Million dollar mansions on both sides.  There were no cars
in sight.  I was going about 75 in a 35 zone.  Slower because I've
never taken that route before.

The road ended and I turned left onto Huntington Drive, which was
another deserted and tempting road - six lanes, perfectly straight for
miles, no cars in sight.  I was stopped at a stoplight and revved my
car to 3000 (the car's clutch is soft; and costs $2K to replace :( ).
Turned off the traction control, and gunned it when the light turned
green.  I was only up to about 60 (in a 45) when I saw a car creeping
up from a little further back.  I always assume any car I can't tell
to be cops so I slowed down to 45.  The car paced me for a short
while, saw that I wasn't going to speed anymore, and then turned on
the ol' Red and Blue.

I thought "oh shit" and pulled over.  Turned off the engine and sat in
my car for awhile.  He walked over and asked for license and registration.

  Cop: "Is this your car?"
  Me : "Yes."
  Cop: "You were going pretty fast back there."
  Me : "Really?"
  Cop: "I saw you at San Marino doing about 70 in a 35.  I wouldn't have been
        able to catch up with you if you didn't stop at the stoplight."
  Me : "I didn't know I was going that fast.  I had the music on real loud."

My excuses were getting lamer.

  Cop: "And you picked up real fast from the stoplight.  I could hear your
        engine from way back."


  Cop: "When you drive a red NSX like that, you have to be more prudent.
        Cops look out for cars like that."
  Me : "Well, I don't normally speed.  In six years of driving I've never
        been stopped speeding."  I pleaded.
  Cop: "What does your license plate mean, CIT NSX?"
  Me : "It stands for California Institute of Technology.  I go to school
  Cop: "Oh, I thought it meant CITE NSX."

Doh!  I should get it changed.

  Cop: "This is one of my two favorite cars.  I'm not saying you
        should, but if you want to speed, you should go to a deserted
        highway, not here."
  Me : "Yes, I'll be more careful, Officer."
  Cop: "Okay, drive safely."
  Me : "Thank you, Officer."

He let me go!

Of course, I drove at the limit the rest of the way.  And to top it off
some guy in a modified Integra tried to race me.  Arrgh.

