
Re: Driving Pet peeves

In article <tksaveryDA74o6.8H1@netcom.com>,
Techs Avery <tksavery@netcom.com> wrote:
>Simon Craythorn (simon-c@trident.co.uk) wrote:
>: I agree with slowing down when being tailgated.  If you are already doing a 
>: resonable speed for the road, maybe even up or slightly above the speed limit 
>: and you are tailgated what are you to do.  If you speed up any more you are 
>You let them pass you. Period. No argument. Most roads have turnouts or 
>dotted lines. If it's dotted lines and there's no oncoming traffic you 
>open your window, wave the guy around and slow down to make it safer to 
>pass. If you need to pull onto the shoulder to do it, then do it. It 
>could save your life, your car or just save you headaches. 

Right. If (s)he wants to pass, let them. It isn't your job to force them
to drive at what you consider a safe speed for yourself. I've had many
a tailgater when I'm driving 75 or so in the left lane on the interstate;
someone wants to go faster. Fine; I switch lanes as soon as it is safe to
do so, let them pass, and move back. 

'sides, that way they get caught for speeding, not me :-)

>I drive as fast as anyone, and I frequently let people, even suicidal 
>ones, pass me. I want them in front of me where I can keep an eye on them.

I want them WAY out in front so they can't do anything to me. The closer
they are, the worse it is IMHO. 

Steven Miale  <http://www.cs.indiana.edu/hyplan/smiale.html>
