
Re: Driving Pet peeves

dey@rintintin.Colorado.EDU (Michael E. Dey) wrote:

>I'm wondering if it would be effective, if when a light turned green, 
>everyone started rolling instantaneously.  As it is, it takes forever for 
>all the idiots ahead of you to wait for the car in front of them to go 
>before they can go.  If we all left a few feet inbetween and started 
>going right away, I imagine we could get twice as many people through 
>busy interesections.

Michael, your applying too much logic to this driving thing, It'll
only frustrate you. This is a great and obvious solution, but will
never work because of the 'crowd-on-in' syndrome. I regularly leave
extra space between my and the car in front of me at lights or
crawling traffic, but the 'crowders' can't stand it and honk, yell,
harrumph or cut in front of me. I say everyone should be forced to
drive a manual transmission equipped car. This would fix the rampant
brakers and crowders tendency to make every foot count, no matter how
much it slows me (and everyone else) down.
